Question about PSU, SLI, Build


Jan 26, 2014
So with my current build I'm gonna just get a singular GTX 770 2GB but in the future it would be cool to have SLI available to me (a second 770). My current PSU is supposed to be pretty good quality but it's not enough watts for SLI down the road, is there one in my price range that is? I had originally selected a

but was told it wasn't good enough quality, so I switched to the one I have now. I want to be able to have all options open to me as far as OC my CPU and GPU as well as SLI, is this possible in my budget?

Oh and a question about SLI, It only used vRAM from one card right? So I can stick with the 770 2GB for now and in the future with a bit more bank buy a second monitor and a 770 4GB and use that ones vRAM, or am I mistaken?

Current Build: (input welcome)

EDIT: Updated broken PSU link.
The 620 seasonic is a great PSU but too small for sli 770s. Would get a minimum 750 of a good brand.

The 4 GB 770 offers 0% performance gain over a 2GB. People spam forums all day saying its "future proof" but its a joke. GPUs aren't future proof, period. No reputable articles show any performance gain of the 4GB over the 2GB. Don't waste your 50$.

A single 770 is a great card right now. Mine runs all the games I play at high/ultra. Sli later is an option, and if you want to go that route get a 750/850 seasonic or equal.

Blackbird I see your posts all the time and I respect your opinion. I am surprised you are on the 4GB bandwagon though, there isn't a single reputable article showing the 4GB being any faster. Why might I ask would you suggest it?