Question about RAM/CPU compatibiility


Jul 11, 2014
Okay, so it's pretty simple really:

I want to know if something that says "Compatible with all AMD AM3+ / APU platforms" means that it needs to be 'both' AM3+ 'and' APU, or that if it's either it'll be fine.

Basically I plan on getting 8GB of RAM (Model F3-12800CL9D-8GBRL - 8GB, DDR3 1600) and need to know if it's compatible with an AMD A6-5400K Socket FM2 65W APU.

Keep in mind, I'm not asking if this will be optimal for performance (I.E. If I 'could' have faster RAM, I don't care. Not to be rude, either; I'm just broke right now). I'm asking if the CPU and the RAM listed can work together as I haven't been able to find any info on it. Tried searching for compatibility lists but only ever got MOBO compatibility results. I already know my MOBO is compatible.

Thanks in advance for you time :)

Most name brands will work fine. The list of certain models just means that they tested those few with those settings. Like say for instance if you overclocked your ram. Companies like Corsair and Kingston to name just a few will be fine. I've used ram that wasn't on the list and even overclocked and they worked just great.