question about rivatuner 2.08

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Oct 19, 2007
Hi I got a 7950GT and I was trying to do the automatic fan control but I ran into problems.
I followed this guide and made the fan profiles and stuff but when I go into hardwaremonitoring/setup and click on the coretemp/setup I can't find the threshold settings that should be at the bottom.

I don't have the threshold settings below as the picture shows.

Any ideas? its really inconvienient for me to keep on changing the fan speed. (currently at 60% in load)

Another thing is that the direct fan control dosen't work while its in 3D. I put the fan on 60% (both in driver level and low level) then play cnc3 or cod4 and it fan goes back to 19% and my temp is in the 80sC. what can I do?
help please my temp goes in the 90's sometimes!!
Then my fan speed goes up to 40%. I don't know how to override the defaults. I tried but it doesn't work.
So you aren't even able to just set it to a fixed speed? My auto control doesn't work, so I just set it to 40% fixed and it works fine. Well, by fine I mean except a few times when resuming from hibernate, LOL.
I had some trouble with Rivatuner (though an older version of it) and a 7950gt a while back - the fixed fan speed wouldn't hold for me either. I did end up getting the thresholds working though; is the plus-sign "add threshold" button just not appearing?

Have you tried reinstalling your driver? I know I tried that, but can't remember if it worked or not.

How did you get the thresholds to start working? The plus sign and text box doesn't appear. Well I installed the driver yesterday but I'll try again.
Also I use ATi tool but I can't find anything in the settings to fix the fan speed. Is there a compatability problem with the 7950GT?

DrTeapot-when you fixed the thresholds and did the auto fan setup, did it work and hold the fan speeds like it should?
It never did hold fixed fan speeds properly. Even with the thresholds set up, it would revert back to its default 29% if the machine went into standby. That wasn't a big deal though, because the thresholds would still kick in when temps went back up. So it mostly worked...

I got the thresholds working after reinstalling drivers and Rivatuner, and simply following that same guide again. I was using Rivatuner 2.06 and the 169.21 driver. Has the layout changed in the latest version of Rivatuner or something, perhaps?

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