Hi I got a 7950GT and I was trying to do the automatic fan control but I ran into problems.
I followed this guide and made the fan profiles and stuff but when I go into hardwaremonitoring/setup and click on the coretemp/setup I can't find the threshold settings that should be at the bottom.

I don't have the threshold settings below as the picture shows.
Any ideas? its really inconvienient for me to keep on changing the fan speed. (currently at 60% in load)
Another thing is that the direct fan control dosen't work while its in 3D. I put the fan on 60% (both in driver level and low level) then play cnc3 or cod4 and it fan goes back to 19% and my temp is in the 80sC. what can I do?
I followed this guide and made the fan profiles and stuff but when I go into hardwaremonitoring/setup and click on the coretemp/setup I can't find the threshold settings that should be at the bottom.

I don't have the threshold settings below as the picture shows.
Any ideas? its really inconvienient for me to keep on changing the fan speed. (currently at 60% in load)
Another thing is that the direct fan control dosen't work while its in 3D. I put the fan on 60% (both in driver level and low level) then play cnc3 or cod4 and it fan goes back to 19% and my temp is in the 80sC. what can I do?