Question about Supporting.



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Hi All,

A question, if for example :

a.. France: A pic Supports A bel
b.. France: A gas Supports A bur
c.. France: A bur Supports A bel
d.. France: A bel Supports A bur
a.. Germany: A ruh Supports A mun -> bur
b.. Germany: F nth Supports A hol -> bel
c.. Germany: A mun -> bur
d.. Germany: A hol -> bel
I would personnal think that because the orders received from france dont
match up, (ie cant support a unit to hold, if that units does not hold) that
frances moves would be adjusted to reflect that the orders do not match up.

With all frances (adjusted orders) have all units holding, Germany would get
in, as france has not defended.

If Frances orders were along the lines of :
a.. France: A pic Supports A bel
b.. France: A gas Supports A bur
c.. France: A bur Holds
d.. France: A bel Holds
then as valid orders France has the appropiate support to hold Germany Back.

The problem / Question is, Can Orders be given that do NOT match up, thus
allowing flowing support... or do all orders HAVE TO match up ?

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Support does not "flow", but that is not relevant to the example you gave.
Units may be supported in holding even if the unit being supported is in
turn supporting another unit. Each French unit in the first example you
gave is giving and/or receiving valid support(s). Each of the German
attacks fails 2v2 (the supports given by A Bel and A Bur are both cut, but
the supports given by A Pic and A Gas are uncut and therefore still

"Zoi" <none@the.moment> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> A question, if for example :
> a.. France: A pic Supports A bel
> b.. France: A gas Supports A bur
> c.. France: A bur Supports A bel
> d.. France: A bel Supports A bur
> and
> a.. Germany: A ruh Supports A mun -> bur
> b.. Germany: F nth Supports A hol -> bel
> c.. Germany: A mun -> bur
> d.. Germany: A hol -> bel
> I would personnal think that because the orders received from france dont
> match up, (ie cant support a unit to hold, if that units does not hold)
> frances moves would be adjusted to reflect that the orders do not match
> With all frances (adjusted orders) have all units holding, Germany would
> in, as france has not defended.
> If Frances orders were along the lines of :
> a.. France: A pic Supports A bel
> b.. France: A gas Supports A bur
> c.. France: A bur Holds
> d.. France: A bel Holds
> then as valid orders France has the appropiate support to hold Germany
> The problem / Question is, Can Orders be given that do NOT match up, thus
> allowing flowing support... or do all orders HAVE TO match up ?
> Thanks.
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Zoi wrote:
> Hi All,
> A question, if for example :
> a.. France: A pic Supports A bel
> b.. France: A gas Supports A bur
> c.. France: A bur Supports A bel
> d.. France: A bel Supports A bur
> and
> a.. Germany: A ruh Supports A mun -> bur
> b.. Germany: F nth Supports A hol -> bel
> c.. Germany: A mun -> bur
> d.. Germany: A hol -> bel

> I would personnal think that because the orders received from france
> dont match up, (ie cant support a unit to hold, if that units does
> not hold) that frances moves would be adjusted to reflect that the
> orders do not match up.

Well, actually a Unit may be supported in place as long as it
is not ordered to move, so all of France's supports are valid.

France: A bel HOLD
France: A pic Supports A bel

is valid.

France: A bel Supports A bur
France: A pic Supports A bel

is valid.

F Eng Convoys A Pic -> Lon
F Bre Supports F Eng

is also valid.

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In message <425dc2e1$>, Zoi <none@the.moment>

>The problem / Question is, Can Orders be given that do NOT match up, thus
>allowing flowing support... or do all orders HAVE TO match up ?

Orders can be given that do not "match up". However, they have no

If a unit is giving support, it can itself be given valid support to

Nick Wedd