Question Question about the SSD i bought


Nov 21, 2022
First hi,second,i bought a nq100 480GB Lexar SSD recently as i noticed my old HDD making weird noises,especially when in games,my games even froze few times and i had to restart the pc,the pc would freeze when the HDD would make weird noises,i experienced before bad HDD's ,the time where they would slowly "die".

So,everything went fine with the SSD,i connected it as an secondary storage space,did the formatting stuff and it works,i moved some of the games to it and the first few days the games would load definetely faster than they did on the HDD but now it seems they slowed down somehow,loaading times feel the same as on the HDD(i should not say games,it's one particular game that i've been playing for the last few weeks,if that's important i will also leave the name of the game but i dont think it matters)all games should load faster and it annoy's me that this one did but now not so much

Also,does it matter that the OS is still on the HDD ,does the HDD bottleneck in any way the SSD?
I dont think the HDD is "dying" as i mentioned above but rather that he was not inside the PC,he was out in the open as i broke somehow that thing that holds a hdd in place,at one point i had him upside down laying on the plastic where the cd and dvd roms thing are(btw,these arent connected as i dont use them,i could use that space to put the HDD into but im lazy lol)
So,my definitive question would be,why did the SSD slow down after few days and deos the HDD have anything to do with it?Thanks
The OS being on the HDD is an issue.

Loading a game, things still happen with the OS on the HDD.
First thanks for replying.
Bur how did it load faster the first time i connected the SSD,i barely would see just two screens while loading and it loaded alredy but now it again shows like 5 or 6 screens while loading until it loads(like the slideshow pictures when a game loads,some games have it some dont)
Not just game files living on the ssd, there's also game and graphics card shader cache data and other cache related files for games stored to your user appdata folder where the OS is. As cache builds up overtime the more is accessed. Then there's also the pagefile, however much is used regardless of the amount of ram is installed, is still used, can also have an effect.

When you get the time it'll be beneficial to have the OS on the ssd.