Question Question Does anybody know if a Gigabyte a520m s2h is compatible with a 3200g? I have read it boots, but games or 3d tasks, crash the system.


Oct 1, 2019
It's for my parents, my dad would game sometime, light games, maybe civ V, civ VI, stuff like that. The rest would be Netflix, Office type stuff, video calls etc.
Would it crash without a DGPU? I already have the 3200g, ordered the motherboard, but can still cancel.
I know it is an old mobo and an even older cpu, but maybe you guys know if Gigabyte a520 mobos are compatible with 3rd gen Ryzen APUs or not.
That's a very low end motherboard. But, the 3200g is a very low TDP processor and while it's not a great board, should be fine for that processor. It's only a 45-65w part.

Somebody having crashes was likely somebody running a low quality crappy power supply or running PBO and overheating the VRMs, or simply had a bad board.