Question for the day, Arcade Game?



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A question has arisen and would like ACFGer's comments...

Can a computer game be considered
an arcade game if two people are fighting each other at exactly the same

Or would a computer arcade game just be considered primarily a one
person only game and two people would take turns playing?

Mark S.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

if you recall the days of the arcades... we all played fighting games on the
big ol' arcade console machines... we spent many of quarters shelling them
into those monsters... so yes.. a 2 person or even up to 4 players at
once(remember guantlet) can still be considered an arcade game.


"Mark S." <> wrote in message
> A question has arisen and would like ACFGer's comments...
> Can a computer game be considered
> an arcade game if two people are fighting each other at exactly the same
> time?
> Or would a computer arcade game just be considered primarily a one
> person only game and two people would take turns playing?
> Mark S.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

[This followup was posted to and a copy was sent
to the cited author.]

Stryker® wrote on Fri, 17 Sep 2004 23:25:07 GMT,
the following
> if you recall the days of the arcades... we all played fighting games on the
> big ol' arcade console machines... we spent many of quarters shelling them
> into those monsters... so yes.. a 2 person or even up to 4 players at
> once(remember guantlet) can still be considered an arcade game.
> Stryker®
> "Mark S." <> wrote in message
> > A question has arisen and would like ACFGer's comments...
> >
> > Can a computer game be considered
> > an arcade game if two people are fighting each other at exactly the same
> > time?
> >
> > Or would a computer arcade game just be considered primarily a one
> > person only game and two people would take turns playing?
> >
> > Mark S.
Thankyou Stryker®

I had NO idea that there are/were 2/4 player commercial arcade games.

Mark S.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

"Mark S." wrote:

> [This followup was posted to and a copy was sent
> to the cited author.]
> Stryker® wrote on Fri, 17 Sep 2004 23:25:07 GMT,
> the following
> > if you recall the days of the arcades... we all played fighting games on the
> > big ol' arcade console machines... we spent many of quarters shelling them
> > into those monsters... so yes.. a 2 person or even up to 4 players at
> > once(remember guantlet) can still be considered an arcade game.
> >
> > Stryker®
> >
> > "Mark S." <> wrote in message
> >
> > > A question has arisen and would like ACFGer's comments...
> > >
> > > Can a computer game be considered
> > > an arcade game if two people are fighting each other at exactly the same
> > > time?
> > >
> > > Or would a computer arcade game just be considered primarily a one
> > > person only game and two people would take turns playing?
> > >
> > > Mark S.
> >
> >
> >
> Thankyou Stryker®
> I had NO idea that there are/were 2/4 player commercial arcade games.
> Mark S.

Thanks guys,
But I am still confused.
The game where Mark S. is talking about is Need For Kill
A preview:
