Question of the Day-Morality defined

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Its also a very subjective question. Did Hitler think he was doing anything wrong? He probably thought he was doing the right thing the right way.
I am going to use two examples

right thing/wrong reason-
a police officer who is in it for the gun/badge/car power trip but saves people every day

wrong thing/right reason-
the mother of two kids who strips/prostitutes so her kids can have food/shelter and some nice things

so using those two examples what do you folks think?

great song
never heard it before
Real dirty blues riffs
I am an old Doors freak
so I love a good bluesy song
I actually think that this is a trick question

the answer according to me is that both are wrong

only doing the right thing for the right reasons is the "right" thing

but the world isnt black and white all the time

there is alot of shades of gray

compromises we make daily to survive in this world

the best thing IMHO is to always keep in mind with any decision is "Am I hurting anybody esle?"

as far as hurting yourself that is your own business

it is your life and only your own to live

who am I or anybody else to say that if you are living it right?

by society's standards? Hah!

by the worlds standards almost any atrocity is allowed

Every day there is genocide,human rights being abused,human trafficking etc

Only God can judge me
Without fear there is no wisdom

Fear of God
Fear of Police
Fear of Parents
Fear of Teachers
and so on

all of it is being removed

no more corporal punishment in the schools
no more officer walking the beat with a nightstick and teaching young punks a lesson
no more parents spanking their children
no more fear of Hell which leads to no sense of right or wrong

without fear our society is going to fall apart even more

Repent now ye sinners for the end of times draws near

It doesnt matter if you are Christian,Jewish,Islamic,Buddhist,Tao etc
as long as you have faith
faith in a higher state of being
faith in goodness
having a set of rules to live your life by

is it any coincidence that God spelled backwards is dog?

without faith in God
then man becomes no better than an animal
only living to breed,eat and crap
with no morals or ethics

Satan or evil is about living your life as an animal with no regard for others

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
without no fear of punishment comes no sense of right or wrong
without fear of jail there is crime
without fear of discipline there is no respect for the parent

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
- proverbs 9:10

you can use your Star Wars mythology that has been around since the 70s
I will stick with a book that has been around for over 2000 years :)
scientists still debate how old "Star wars" is.... The best guess is a long time ago and most likely in a far away galaxy.

The bible is a very hard book to follow and so many odd rules.......

I just want a wookie partner and make the kessel run in 12 parsecs..... But I would settle for an ewok and a landspeeder.
My patented Armadillo helmets will protect you from lightnings strikes should god (or the aliens) become unhappy with you.

Problem is my remaining stock is stuck in the back room of a dental surgery in Detroit ...

Bit like the Iran oil problem ... good luck with that.
They only work with the longer wavelengths and sadly actually improve conduction in terms of lightning ... hence my patented hats have a powerful dialectric medium between the primary and secondary reflectors which attenuate both alien mind waves and electricity.

I was going to ask crashman to benchtest my helmet here at toms.

Sadly he has not returned my PM's lately on this subject.

I think he must be really busy.

/um ...

You should not consider becoming an electrician ... nor should you continue the practice of testing whether electricity is travelling through the wires by putting the ends on your tongue.

The consequences are ... well you already know don't you ??


Godwin's Law invoked.
actually in this instance the Nazi comparison however overplayed is fair enough

who determines what the right reasons

my right reasons for doing something might be wrong reasons to you
and who to say who is right

I guess you can use a sociological verison of right and wrong based on societies norms
or a religious framework

me personally I judge what I do by my belief in Christianity and Jesus

What would Jesus do?
As a "minor deity" I an unhindered by any moral-religious framework and simply able to make my own decisions most of the time ...

Occasionaly I do need to consult my "supreme overlord mistress" ... that is the wife ... but I can ignore her at my peril.

I find this works for me.

Mind you I have a lot of books on religions and have read widely ... I just have not found one which convinces me that my way isn't the right one.

I don't need an afterlife insureance policy.

If I die and there is in fact a heaven I shall simply level a decent plot of land next door and setup some competition by building a better Disneyworld, and attract better looking hookers, and getting the brewery site plans on track.
You should know by now I wouldn't discriminate so all will be welcome.

mingo will be in charge of the police and oldmangamer will by the mayor.

I'll be busy with the brewery and entertainment ...
Can I be the Village Idiot?

As an official card carrying member of the local Idiot Guild I deserve this
And I pay my annual fee four times a year loyally
I feel that I am utmost qualified to be the most competent fool in the afterlife
My track record stands for itself