Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I will state once again that if somebody doesnt like my writing style then dont read my posts
similar to media in USA
if you dont like a show then change the channel
I do not read anything besides technical articles and news stories on the Web anymore
I havent read anything fictional other than some short stories.for years
I use to be an avid reader but mostly of pulp fiction like Asimov,Harlan Ellison,Piers Anthony,King,Clive Barker etc
I am not very classically read.
Of course I have read Thoreau, Poe,Twain,Trumbo,Hemingway,Shakespeare but never
delved into anything heavy like War and Peace LOL
In forums I use a shorthand style of writing to convey many ideas into the least amount of sentences and to avoid walls of text
Trying to explain complicated technical procedures while using a more proper grammatical style isnt really feasible.
So I skip some pronouns and end with propositions LOL
I didnt know I was going to be graded LMAO