Question of the Day-Morality defined

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Hey dont go disrespecting my friend Mal
he can be rough around the edges but is a great guy
definitlley not in the same idiot class as me
I am a special kind of Idiot
My Mommy tells me I am special all the time
and handsome too.......

Pre-American Civil War social norms in the South gave the OK to slavery.

And they were mostly Christians.

Don't worry ... we will take care of you here.

/prepares shot of flupenthixol.

"Rightness"/"wrongness" is in the eye of the beholder. Morality is not so easily defined. There are a near infinite number of factors that affect morality, such as viewing via cultural norms, religious beliefs and proactives, and laws and regulations, just to name a few.

This is the type of discussion that requires several rounds of good beer and pizza in order to digest the subject matter properly.

No thanks
I take 3mg of Risperdal/Risperdone a night already
that is my cup of tea as far as antipyschotic meds goes
also take 2000mg of Depakote ER for mood balancing

Bipolar is not an illness
it is the next step in human evolution

very well stated

Here is one for you
if your God's law says that an act is right but goes against Man's law
then how do you decide which is right?

Wow, not enough beer and pizza yet for that one......

Let's see, face eternal damnation (for those beliefs that subscribe to such) or go to prison and face another sort of hell. That is indeed quite the quandry.

I would argue that if your faith puts you into that sort of dilemma, then you might be following the wrong faith (or living in the wrong community).

Lovely topic to discuss. No?
I would have to agree that usually God's law (from my Christian viewpoint)
normally will coincide with man's law

the problem is that one culture's morals can differ from another
but I feel that there is a higher set of morals above a societies definition

for instance

It is wrong to kill/hurt unless in self defense or war
It is wrong to lie
It is wrong to steal
That you have an obligation to protect and help the weak and helpless like women,children and elderly

these are a basic set of morals that go back to the dawn of mankind
no matter what man's law is; these laws of humanity prevail


I agree with your basic premise. The harder issue for this is in dealing with defining these things in the context of beliefs. Some religions would argue that causing harm to a non-believer is different than harming a believer. Sames holds true for lying, cheating, and stealing.

Beliefs towards the weak, the helpless, the elderly, women, child, cats, dogs, etc are often clouded by beliefs as well and no degree of arguing one's viewpoint will change that of others.

This topic is very subjective, can't be quantified, and often leads to highly emotional (sometimes irrational) responses. That too is a matter of faith for some and should be a cause of concern for us all. Think about it.

Most people lie multiple times a day regardless of their intentions. To intentionally lie to misguide or misconstrue for a determined benefit...

Is war considered self defense? Your freedom of speech is an attack on my beliefs, in which I must kill you because your speech is in direct threat to my person. While not physically harming me, you are presenting outside information that goes against what I believe and therefore is an attack on my psyche.

To steal means you claim ownership over something that is never truly yours. How can you claim ownership to something that isn't yours in the first place? You may have temporary possession of such items and things, but they are never yours. As one such member used quite often in paraphrase, "I never stole anything. I liberated and reallocated."
There is a book called "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Mechanics"
good read
in this book the author sets out to define "quality"
as in what makes one piece of artwork beautiful and another ugly

came down to innate goodness in a man will define the quality of the item he produces
if a man is spiritual (not necessarily religious) and a good man
then his caring for the world will show in the items he creates

What the world needs is more old fashioned quality craftmanship
not mass produced souless artifacts


the problem is that once a set of laws are defined to encompass the whole world
and enforced by a world police organization
then you have the beginning of a one world order
probably not a good thing.....
The problem is that once a set of laws are defined to encompass the whole world and enforced by a world police organization, then you have the beginning of a one world order. [This is] probably not a good thing.....

So much easier to read.

I need to point this out. :)

You argue about the lack of craftsmanship in the very same breath that you butcher the English grammar system. :hello:
@riser I am sorry you have a problem with my grammatical style but please dont come on one of my threads correcting me like some frustrated high shool english teacher.
If you feel the need to correct my grammar then please PM me and we can have a calm discussion but I feel that as a community reporter you are out of line.
Did I offend you in some prior thread and you have a personal vendetta against me?
riser might be a bit passionate about the literary classics I guess king.

ZATAOMM is a must read for philosophy and anthropology (of travel) but his second book "Lila ..." puts the work into much more perspective.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I will state once again that if somebody doesnt like my writing style then dont read my posts

similar to media in USA
if you dont like a show then change the channel

I do not read anything besides technical articles and news stories on the Web anymore
I havent read anything fictional other than some short stories.for years
I use to be an avid reader but mostly of pulp fiction like Asimov,Harlan Ellison,Piers Anthony,King,Clive Barker etc
I am not very classically read.
Of course I have read Thoreau, Poe,Twain,Trumbo,Hemingway,Shakespeare but never
delved into anything heavy like War and Peace LOL
In forums I use a shorthand style of writing to convey many ideas into the least amount of sentences and to avoid walls of text
Trying to explain complicated technical procedures while using a more proper grammatical style isnt really feasible.
So I skip some pronouns and end with propositions LOL :)
I didnt know I was going to be graded LMAO
