Question re power suppy


Oct 10, 2011
i need a new graphics card, the one i want requires a 400 watt power supply, but my pc is only 300 watt, although i do have a quad core processor and 3 gb of ram in my machine,
would u advice against this or go for one with lower power supply?
If the gpu requires a 400 then you 300 isn't going to cut it. Over loading you psu will fry it so I wouldn't do it. You could always get another psu to work with a new gpu and future upgrades.
Hi, Rosewill makes some decent power supplies and right now at new egg this one is only $59 (reg $89). You really don't want to cheap out on a PSU especially if the unit you are using is a generic OEM PSU that came with your system, even that 300W is questionable, that is most likely peak output and not sustainable...

What GPU were you looking at? The HD6770 is around $100 and is a great multi-purpose card, handles all the games I throw at it @ 1600 X 1050, and older titles (fallout3, New Vegas) at 1920x1200. But you WILL need a new PSU...
Depending on the PSU then yes it will work fine. Basically the card does not need 400 watts nothing like. The card companies overstate the requirement to stay on the side of caution.
What PSU do you have ? Is it a generic PSU from a shop bought PC ? If yes and its a dell unit then don't give it another thought as Dell PSU's are very decent units and you will have no issues at all.
The card requires very little power and draws all its power from the motherboard so you really should have no issues.

Only a really very cheap very bad quality PSU will have an issue running that card.

Mactronix :)