Questions about Core Temp/HWmonitor


Feb 3, 2015
I have an FX 8120 with a stock cooler running at 3.6ghz, +0,16 cpu voltage offset. (Base is 1,188V
Under Prime95 the max temp gets to 55 degrees C, (Core Temp) while in HWmonitor there are 2 temps, cpu temp which is 70 degrees C load, and 40 degrees idle, and package temp, which is the same as the CoreTemp, (25 degrees idle, 55 degrees load)

Ambient temp is slightly below 20 degrees.

I read that the max temp for this processor is 61 degrees, is that the core/package temp or the CPU Temp?

Also are my temps high/low/good?

Thanks in advance.
I can't account for the difference in temps between HWmonitor and Core Temp. But AMD temp sensors are notorious for being... flaky sometimes. When I build with AMD processors later than the Phenom/Athlon era, I like to use AMD OverDrive and monitor the cores' Thermal Margin instead of temps.
Try to keep the TM in the double digits and you should be fine.
Here is an explanation of the reason that is a better way to go: