Question Questions about latency on online game


Apr 5, 2018
So i have been playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and i have faced different latency on different setting. But i do not understand or know the main reason. So i have got ryzen 5 3600 with rtx 2060 and 16 gigs 3200mhz ram. So my system handles the game pretty well. Big problem is the monitor. I have got 75hz monitor atm. Also my net speed is up to 100 mbps both download and upload. My latency stays most days at 60-75ms. So my problem is when i play the game on optimize setting recommended by Nvidia or play on High setting at 1080p, it feels slow. By slow i mean i am seeing them slow or in delay. When enemy kills me and i watch the kill cam. It shows they were faster than me. But when i lower my settings i feel same as others and do well on the game too. Also even on high settings my latency doesn't change. So i don't think it's the internet. I just can't figure it out why i get that delay on high settings. Most probably the monitor ? then why it doesn't occur on low settings. I hope someone can help me understand it. I just want to play the game in high settings without facing any delays. Thanks!
Latency is down to the number of hops to the server. You can see by running traceroute on the servers IP address
My ping stays at 60-70ms in game. Even on high setting it's still the same. But i do feel the delay when playing on high settings. Sometimes it misses the fps too. Like enemy jumps out on my face. But with low settings it runs smooth and i do pretty well too. So it's just not making sense to me.