Questions about overclocking an ASUS STRIX GTX 970 using GPU Tweak

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Sep 10, 2009
Are these values safe to play games on with an ASUS STRIX GTX 970?

GPU Boost Clock: 1400

Max GPU Voltage: 1210

Memory Clock: 7800

Power Target: 0120

GPU Temp Target (Celcius): 0080

would you recommend any changes? Also, the GPU Boost clock apparently goes higher for other people, but mine is limited to 1400. Is this normal? Thanks.
Yes it looks fine, although mind you those boost clocks may not actually reach there because when you reach 80 degrees it'll clock down, that's a good thing though (Although could stretch it to 85 it's up to your personal safe limits), and I would not go above 1.25v so you're fine.

Also yes, on gpu tweak you're limited to 1400mhz.
Looks good ~

-good luck
Yes it looks fine, although mind you those boost clocks may not actually reach there because when you reach 80 degrees it'll clock down, that's a good thing though (Although could stretch it to 85 it's up to your personal safe limits), and I would not go above 1.25v so you're fine.

Also yes, on gpu tweak you're limited to 1400mhz.
Looks good ~

-good luck
This is what my 970's config is.


try using EVGA precision x its free and the best software out to overclock and manage your GPU
I have an Asus Strix 970 as well, and these are my overclocking specs:


You have to increase the overclocking range of your GPU Tweak. To do this, click on the Settings button in GPU Tweak. Then click on the Tune tab, then TuneSetting. Here, check mark the box with "Overclocking range enchanement". This will allow you to overclock your card over the natural limit of the software.


Here's my Unigine Valley Benchmark:

Hope this helps!

the thing you have to remember is that if your monitor can't do more then 60hz the you won't get more then 60fps about specially if you have vsync on like it will do more but if your screen can't refresh the image more the 60times a sec your not going to notice 80fps
Im overclocking my gtx 770 gaming oc, when I test with Kombustor it always reaches the max temp target I set in afterburner. I set 85C max, and it goes up until 85C.
I made custom fan profile to be 100% when 80ºC but it goes up anyway. If I set 80C as max temp target the boost clock comes down.. I see a lot of people with 95+C as temp target, Im sure if I do that I will reach that temperature.
Is this normal? Maybe Kombustor is too agressive.. Must test when gaming
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