I thought that at first too but the jump in the GTX 6 series is suppose to be more than the jumps in the past.
and the GTX 680 the first to be released was actually suppose to be the GTX 660-Ti or GTX 670.
when nVidia realized how the HD 7 series underperformed in their eyes, the lowered the the chip to match the HD 7970 performance.
so basically nVidia is holding back and will charge some ridiculously insane high prices when they do decide
to release the 'big boy' into the fold.
I has an awesome P55 EVGA SLi E652 pushing an i5-760 @ 3.52GHz, I loved that set-up.
ran x8/x8 in dual and that was cool but still ran x8 in single.
not cool..
the board was designed to run @ x8/ even in single.
I wanted the ASUS Gene-Z but it was sold out at the time and I saw an open box on newegg but missed it.
we could start a separate thread about conspiracies.... :lol:
it took 3 GTX 580's to run this in real-time, 2 in SLi and the third was PhysX in the first set-up.
the seconds set-up was a single Kepler GPU.
this is my reasoning for thinking that the jump will be more than in the past.
I get first dibs on your GTX 580's..... 😗
i7-950 @ 4.0GHz is still boss in my book...
Jedi Mind Trick..
[ uuuuu willll send meeeee thoooooose cccaaarrrrrrrddddzzz..]
So what you're saying is that Price per performance 8x and 8x will be best?-too much text....-
Some interesting results here today and hopefully we've helped clear some of the confusion up around the x8 / x8 vs x16 / x16 argument on the P67 / Z68 platform.
2D the better monitor is the 60 and not the 120.
I wasn't arguing at all and his quick run to you foul language is really uncalled for.
very immature.
and still being the bigger person I kinda acknowledged his fact...