Why, that would be stupid to buy the e4200 when the allendales don't hit as high fsb and it has an 8 mult, you would get no where with that, perhaps just over 3ghz if you were lucky.
the k10 cpus which will demolish the current conroes
i have a am2 mobo and an athlon 4000 and i am in it for gaming.
But the 65nm won't do you any good at all except drop your temps, that's something that people failed to realize. Going to 65nm just allows amd to produce cheaper and cooler running cpus, when your cpus are architecture limited when it comes to clockspeed, die shrinks won't make any difference, especially when you are dealing with an arch designed for 130nm, so you'd be surprised how good of a job they did that they weren't given credit for by not loosing tons of performance compared to the original 1.3um athlons
lordpope: Do you ever shut up about amd, first you start making fun of intel, then you start making fun of amd, then you start saying amd has no hope what so ever and that's not helping them get market share. Do amd a favor and just let them slowly get their business back
:lol: :lol: :lol:we were told in another thread here that AMD doesnt make gaming CPU's
so waiting on anything from AMD for gaming is a waste of time
C2D is pretty much it ....so we been told
To be honest, you may find the 8800GTX to be a better option. I doubt it, but we just don't know. It's best to wait and read lots of trustworthy reviews that test your games.i want to upgrade to an amd athlon 6000 and maybe the new r60 when it is released will it be worth it.
LOL, it sounded way to stupid to be serious. 😛Actually I don't think pope was joking there, I think he actually meant it when he said that stuff, he's a big intel fanboy.
Why, that would be stupid to buy the e4200 when the allendales don't hit as high fsb and it has an 8 mult, you would get no where with that, perhaps just over 3ghz if you were lucky.