

Apr 1, 2007
Ok, I've got an RADEONx1600pro 512mb agp and an SAPPHIREx1600xt 256mb pci-e should i sell them and get an r600 when it comes out or go to 8800.

my pc has 2gigs of pc3200 ,amd athlon 4000. i don't think any other specs are necessary.
Your proc will most likely bottleneck both the r600 and the 8800GTX.

Step up to a x1950xtx or if you seriously feel like you need to make a big jump, go to the 8800GTS 320 mb.
no the asrock motherboard i have has a future cpu support slot that upgrades it to am2

If it does, then you'll need new ddr2 ram (unless it also supports ddr1). I suggest getting the 5200+ at least, it has double the cache of the 5000+ (1 mb X 2).


Should go down in price in the next couple of days - week. Get that, and you'll be set.

And if you want a new video card and absolutely can't wait, then get an 8800 now. Or if you're patient, wait for the R600 to come out since prices will probably decrease on the 8800 series and you'll have a wider variety of cards to choose from. If you want a card now, I suggest going with the 8800 GTS 320 MB version, which is around $260 on newegg:


But keep in mind that you would need a good power supply to power that up. So if you don't have an efficient power supply, then you certainly need to upgrade to a better one.
I have two Asrock 939 Dual SATA II's myself, but you have to buy the add in board and still have to buy DDR2. Hardly worth it IMO. But it would be intersting to see my 828 gram Hyper 48 cooler perched out there on that CPU upgrade card. :lol:

EDIT: That upgrade board is over $30 in itself: http://www.ewiz.com/detail.php?name=AM2CPUBRD

Ouch...ddr2 ram too, lol. This calls for a whole new computer upgrade! 😛
Your current processor is fine. Get whatever card fits your budget after you sell the X1600s. The 320MB 8800GTS is a hell of a deal for about $260 AR.

I'm pretty sure it'll bottleneck the card. The 8800 GTS is a powerful card and he needs a powerful processor to go with it.
Your current processor is fine. Get whatever card fits your budget after you sell the X1600s. The 320MB 8800GTS is a hell of a deal for about $260 AR.

I'm pretty sure it'll bottleneck the card. The 8800 GTS is a powerful card and he needs a powerful processor to go with it.

i have an 8800gts 640mb.

have swapped it from my x2 4400 to my 3700 singlecore
and see no difference.

this is at 16x10 resolution though.

hell when i got my x2 i seen 0 difference from my 3700. :?
The latest Digit-life charts only include 3 games, but their results go along with your findings. Almost zero difference between an A64 4000+ and the C2D's with any single card. http://www.digit-life.com/articles2/digest3d/index.html

Look at SCCT: http://www.digit-life.com/articles2/digest3d/0307/itogi-video-sc2-wxp-1600-pcie.html

Obviosly, some games would be very CPU bound. It seems even the GPU crushing Oblvion often scales with high end CPU's.

i forgot to mention f.s.x. i have that game and you know how it is.
it is probably the most cpu dependant game i have.

the other games i was refering to were.

one thing is since i have had the 8800gts i havent oc,ed

when i ran my 68gt,s in sli (and in single card set-up)
i had both the 3700 and x2 4400 oc,ed to 2.6

now i just leave both computers at stock.
havent even tried to oc the new 8800 card.

thanks for the links btw. im checking them out now :wink:
SO IT WOULDN'T MAKE ME PERFORM MUCH BETTER. sorry to lazy to change caps.

your 4000 should work fine.

getting a dualcore would help to make it more future proof.
and be cheaper than a whole new c2d set-up.

if you got something like a dualcore opty(165) or x2 3800
then you might see a performance decrease as they
run slower clocks than the single 4000 you now have.

BUT you would have dual core. and you are not always guarrantied
a good overclock.
who said the high end versions i would go with the gts or a mid range r600.i know i would bottleneck.

Buy card first, then worry about Bottleneck. Having a bottleneck doesn't mean it's unuseable. And since it'll be a PCIe card you can do a two stage upgrade when you need it.

The 4000+ will get you started, and should be 'ok', then worry once you find it to be an issue in games.
Agreed, I have the same Processor and thats what I'm going to do. THG has done reviews with the AMD XP processors running a X1900xt etc and the bottleneck isn't that bad. Later I'll upgrade to AMD's answer to the C2D if one ever eventuates. Why would AMD release an AGP version of the R600 if the bottleneck was going to be an issue, the fastest AGP computer is probably about a 3.4Ghz P4 or 3200+ AMD.
My friend just bought himself a C2D rig with an AGP slot on the mobo. I'm putting it together for him later today. He didn't have the money for a new card now so he took one with an AGP slot and a PCI-e slot. Kinda funny.

He's got a slowazz 6200 256MB snail of a card with an E6600...he's a bloody idiot. I told him to buy a E6300 and I'll oc it to at least 2.4Ghz coz he didn't wanna "downgrade" from his 2.4Ghz celeron... 8O He's also going for 2GB DDR800 when just one would have done for XP. So much for advice from my side...it's like I don't exist except when he needs to put the thing together.