R7 260X: Buy a 2nd for Crossfire, or get a new card?


Jun 28, 2014
OK, So I came down with a serious case of "upgrade my PC" fever. Thankfully it's not fatal. I self diagnosed myself a couple months ago after the MoBo on my 7 year old self-built PC died on me (Abit AN9 32X Fatal1ty. Loved that board) back in April. Several months and enough parts to build a complete second PC later I realized that I have the bug really badly.

Right now I feel I'm sitting in a sweet spot. ASUS M5A99FX PRO R2, AMD FX 6300, Radeon R7 260X, I just installed a Mushkin SSD, and I just ordered a set of 8GB GSkill 1866's ram which I should have Monday. I'm loving everything I'm doing on this PC right now, but I'm not done upgrading.

Aside from the usual email and web browsing, I do play a lot of games on my PC, and I do some very light video editing from time to time.

I know I don't really need more than 8GBs of ram, though I may eventually buy a 2nd set of the GSkill ram so I can use a ramdisk. But for right now this upgrade is off the table.

I really like the FX 6300, and I know I have a very viable upgrade option, the FX 8350. This upgrade would be more like my second choice.

I upgraded to the R7 260X a couple of months ago and I love it. I noticed that prices suddenly dropped, which is really good, and is a part of what is brought me here.

TLDR & The million dollar question.

Which would I get more bang for my $$$ out of? Getting a second R7 260X and going Crossfire or Getting a new sub $200 card?

SLI/CF can sometimes be a bit of a hassle, plus all the added heat & power use. I'd suggest going with the single fastest card you can afford. Which for your budget would be the R9 270X.