R9 270x cant get solid 60fps in many games


Dec 6, 2011
I was playing BF3 , I played "caspian border" and I get drops to 40fps (1080 + low presests), using last beta drivers 14.6
I tried 14.14 and small map of "close quarters", also drops to 40ps many times, even in medium low settings.

Is this normal? I bought this card for play at 60fps, I dont care if I have to low some settings, but I wanted a smooth gameplay. I have the same drops I had using my HD5770

Same story in:
-"wolfenstein the new order", It runs like crap.
-"Watch dogs", I did not expect a miracle, but on lowest settings posible I have pretty much the same framerate I had with my HD5770 may 5fps more.
-"titanfall", +60fps average however there are some areas in the maps where the fps drops to 40...
-Saints Row the third: drops to 40fps many times .

Is this normal, if this is normal, never trust those people who say "yeah this card can with all on ultra", "It runs like butter" blablabla

maybe bottleneck?, I have phenom II X4 955 BE @3800Hz

I know Wolfenstein the new order and Watch dogs are very unoptimized so a patch might fix it.
TitanFall seem normal.
You should be able to get 60fps in medium setting Bf3 but again it might be your cpu bottlenecking check cpu usage and gpu usage
from what I seen 45 fps on saint row 3 ultra setting seem to be normal.
I say if your unhappy with the card return it and buy a better card or new rig.
Alway check benchmark before buying a new cards
Have you try to turning down AA and some setting to high not ultra
You should be able to play Wolfenstein 45fps
Titanfall require 3gb vram my friend gtx 670 did the same thing on ultra but my 280x max it out 60fps fine
Watch dogs is very unoptimized even a titan could't max it out.
Saints Row the Third what AA do you have on it.
BF3 is a very cpu intensive game so maybe there is some bottleneck try ocing to 4.0ghz.
The 270x was meant to play gaming at medium-high setting 1080p for 60fps
@suztera: Im talking about constant 60fps, 40-60fps is not smooth gameplay.
Anyway forget Wolfestein, it runs like crap on ATI, a GTX750 has better performance in that game.

@Znoxz, It cant get solid 60fps in those games on low(this include AA and everything)

I will keep trying games, but this was a bad start. I have in mind return the card and buy a better rig because the upgrade is disappointing. Sure I can max the graphics but there are drops everywhere.

A: I passed 3dMark, Im on top 14 of 955+270x
B: I reinstalled windows, even when I "rollback" to 14.4 (i did it for other reason)
C: maybe but 5427 in 3D mark sounds good. However its just a bench.
I know Wolfenstein the new order and Watch dogs are very unoptimized so a patch might fix it.
TitanFall seem normal.
You should be able to get 60fps in medium setting Bf3 but again it might be your cpu bottlenecking check cpu usage and gpu usage
from what I seen 45 fps on saint row 3 ultra setting seem to be normal.
I say if your unhappy with the card return it and buy a better card or new rig.
Alway check benchmark before buying a new cards