r9 280 PSU sufficient?


Apr 17, 2015
Hi, I would like to buy a new GPU.
I was looking to the radeon 280, but I'm not entirely sure if my PSU can handle that card. I have an Antec Earthwatts 500w PSU (http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/526). They say here the PSU is actually Seasonic made and of very high quality, so I think it should be enough for a single GPU.
I can't check that, though, since I can't find a datasheet of the r9 280, or a reliable rating of the amperage it needs on the 12V rail. Does anybody know that?

other system specs:
- Intel i5 CPU 750
- 4 GB Ram DDR3
- Gigabyte P55-UD3
Still a question: I made a picture of my PSU, and it says the 12V rails can only deliver 408W. This is 34 A. If my cpu uses 80W/12V =~ 7A, and fans, hdd's etc use 4A, then my total current draw would be around 16.5+7+4=27.5A. This seems to be okay, but i read that as a PSU ages, its maximum power output decreases. My PSU is around 4 years old. Couldn't there be a problem when the system draws peak loads or so?
Your power supply is good quality one and over a 10 year period it will only loose 1-3A but certainly not 7, and plus it is quite unlikely for your system to actually use 27.5A because the ratings on the gpu and cpu are peak power consumption not continuous power like your power supply is rated in. so your power supply can actually provide 20-30 watts more power for a few seconds. and same goes for your gpu and cpu they will only use the peak power for a few seconds.