R9 280X detected as HD 7970 by CPUID and HW Monitor


Nov 26, 2013

I have Asus R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 installed on M5A97 Evo R2.0 MoBo with Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit OS. But HW Monitor and CPUID and other similar tools recognize it as 7970(Other than ASUS GPU Tweaker which recognizes it correctly). I have tried downloading software from
I could not find any specific drivers for my card. Can you please guide me what I need to do to make them recognize it as R9 280x or atleast point me to the right software to download from Asus's website.
This time read carefully. R9 280x is a rebadged 7970 GHz edition. That's why most of the softwares recognise it as 7970. Therefore you can can even use an R9 280x and a 7970 in crossfire.
Basically its a marketing trick my GPU companies. They just make one flagship GPU and others get rebadged. Example - Nvidia made its Flagship card - THE GTX 780 and others were rebadged models of 600 series.
As in the case, the GTX 770 is a rebadged GTX 680, with 5% extra boost.
Most of the benchmark test experts say that these two cards (R9 280x and 7970) differ by just 1% in performance. So, it blows up the fact that by having r9 280x you would outperform 7970.
Therefore it does not matter that the softwares show it as 7970 as IT IS A 7970 which...
Ah, sorry forgot to mention that the software being used are up to date and I downloaded them directly from the site. Even downloaded them yesterday in case there was an update but had same problem. I have seen people posting their results of CPUID and HW Monitor with correct Graphic card name in them, so I know that these software are supported.

Again my sincere apologies, I meant HD 7900 and not HD 7870. Updated the title and post.
Try GPU-Z. Its a well trusted app with frequent updates. The R9-280x is a rebadged 7970 GHz edition. The only new GPUs from AMD are the R9 290 series cards. GPU-Z should either recognise it as R9 280x or a 7970.

Did try GPU Z, same problem over there. And I am going to shoot myself for repeated mistakes, they are recognizing the GPU as HD 7970 (And not 7870 or 7900 as I previously posted), please forgive me for my stupidity.

Well I do have latest software from Asus's website for the card.
Damn, I never went to AMD's website to get any driers, thought Asus provides customized driver in its software.
I'll download and install them and let you guys know. Thank you all. Will reply in case the solution works.
Most of the detector softwares will recognise R9 280x as 7970 as it is a rebadged card.
These both cards are so similar that you can even run them with each other. (crossfire them)
Don't worry the 280x's drivers from AMD will run fine with your card.

Yep. It asked me to reboot, so no shortcuts there. Also, just noticed on DxDiag, it now shows R9 200 series instead of HD 7900 series, so I guess little progress has been made. But softwares like CPU Z and HW Monitor still displays HD 7970.
This time read carefully. R9 280x is a rebadged 7970 GHz edition. That's why most of the softwares recognise it as 7970. Therefore you can can even use an R9 280x and a 7970 in crossfire.
Basically its a marketing trick my GPU companies. They just make one flagship GPU and others get rebadged. Example - Nvidia made its Flagship card - THE GTX 780 and others were rebadged models of 600 series.
As in the case, the GTX 770 is a rebadged GTX 680, with 5% extra boost.
Most of the benchmark test experts say that these two cards (R9 280x and 7970) differ by just 1% in performance. So, it blows up the fact that by having r9 280x you would outperform 7970.
Therefore it does not matter that the softwares show it as 7970 as IT IS A 7970 which is rebadged to r9 280x.
Also all the R9 280x drivers from AMD will work fine with your card.

lol, dude, I read it the first time itself. Already know about it. Did my research before purchasing the card. My problem is that softwares do not recognize it as R9 200 series, although same is supported by those softwares. It isn't causing any issues for me, its just that while posting the config pics it becomes a bit easier explaining people about the card I have. Was just looking for a solution on how to fix the detection by software. Thanks for info though. Would be useful for new comers. :)
I had the same situation as yours. I have 3 280x and one 290 in the same machine. All of my 280x are detected as 7900 series cards.

What I did was, I opened the device manager and right clicked on one of the 280x and selected update driver. After that, all of my 280x were read as R9 200 Series cards.

I actually regret that decision. It did not give any boost to my cards. And worse, their voltages become locked in afterburner

Very well put Sir ewok93. :)
I'll try to answer why I want my card to be recognized for what it is:

-Displaying statistics to friends or on other forums and portals with a screenshot currently displays card as HD 7900 series. I have to write down separately about my card series (which may or may not be seen by the readers.)
-While displaying PC config to my friends, I need to convince them its the latest GPU instead of the old 7900 series. (Which incidentally is expensive than 280x in our country at least).
GUys, i just got a second hand 280x on ebay and im having some issues. I think it might have been undervolted. In cpuz i see .850v on the vin0 voltages, is that normal, what value should i expect?