Question R9 290 Blackscreens

Jul 22, 2019
Hello Guys

I have an issue with my GPU.
When I´m playing Terraria or other Games where the GPU Clock is low I get Blackscreens until the Clock gets higher.
For Example in some Games I can´t go into the Settings because I´ll get Blackscreens.
I have this card now about 5 years and never had any problems.
This problem occured after I reseted my Windows and installed a SSD but I do not think that the SSD is the problem.
Games like Gta 5 work fine sometimes I get there also Blackscreens but theý last only 2 sec and only occure in the Settings of the Game.
When I´m having the Blackscreen the Monitor doesn´t find any Source until I change the Programm or sometimes I wait until it works.
I tried many things with MSI Afterburner but nothing worked and I tried a lot of different drivers.
Sometimes if I install a driver it works fine until I restart my PC and then the Blackscreens come back.
When I´m using Chrome sometimes Blackscreens occure but they are rare.

My System:
CPU: I5 4460
GPU: R9 290 DC2OC 4GD5
Mainboard: Gigabyte B85M D3H
Power Supply: Be Quiet Pure Power 600w

Thank you for your help.
Welcome to the forums my friend!

Do you have latest BIOS installed?
Have you monitored CPU and GPU temps?
What exact Pure Power PSU is it? 11, 10, L9, L8?
Are you running any overclock anywhere at all?
Have you ensured the cable isn't faulty also (to eliminate the obvious)?
My current BIOS Version is F14 I don't know if this is the newest I couldn't find any drivers on Google.

My GPU and CPU Temps are normaly between 50 and 60 if I'm playing Games the Temps are between 60 and 85.

I have the Pure Power L8.

I am not running any overclock the GPU is stock overclocked I already tried to underclock and overclock it but nothing helped.

I tried different cables for the Power supply of my GPU but the Problem was always the same.

I want to mention that only 1 Monitor is on the 290 the other Monitor I have is running with my onboard GPU maybe this is important. The blackscreens are only on the Monitor with the R9 290.

Thank you for your fast answer.
Did you have to change power cables around for installing the SSD? As in, did you use different cables for the GPU?

The other option is the drivers are not playing ball with your card and they're making it run hotter than it should, as that sounds like the behaviour of a GPU that's getting too hot and the drivers are failing on it.

My current BIOS Version is F14 I don't know if this is the newest I couldn't find any drivers on Google.

My GPU and CPU Temps are normaly between 50 and 60 if I'm playing Games the Temps are between 60 and 85.

I have the Pure Power L8.

I am not running any overclock the GPU is stock overclocked I already tried to underclock and overclock it but nothing helped.

I tried different cables for the Power supply of my GPU but the Problem was always the same.

I want to mention that only 1 Monitor is on the 290 the other Monitor I have is running with my onboard GPU maybe this is important. The blackscreens are only on the Monitor with the R9 290.

Thank you for your fast answer.
The bold part is indeed very important.

Run the two monitors from the RX290 only. See if that improves anything.

Reason: the onboard graphics and the AMD card may not play ball together when the games tries to call the DX API and it finds 2 active GPUs in your system.

F15 is latest:

My GPU and CPU Temps are normaly between 50 and 60 if I'm playing Games the Temps are between 60 and 85.
Is this CPU temperature as well? 85 is higher than you'd ideally want.

I tried different cables for the Power supply of my GPU but the Problem was always the same.
Did you use different power supply cables, or do you simply mean a different kettle cable?
I meant more the display cable.

May be worth disabling iGPU and seeing if the issue persists with just GPU.
I did not change the Power Supply Cables of my GPU when the Problem started. I only changed from a HDD to a SSD an used the same Cables as before.
I tried already different display cables but it did not help.
I do not think that temperature is a problem because the Blackscreens occur even if I start the PC and it has about 50 cpu and gpu.
My CPU temperature is max 75 degree.

I'll try to disable my onboard GPU and connect both monitors on my 290. This will take some time because I have to buy a display cable to connect them. Then I'll try to update my BIOS.

Thanks for your answers I hope it will work.
Ok I got good news my Problem is fixed.
At first I updated the BIOS because I couldn't wait anymore for the cable.
But the Update didn't fix my problem.
Now I connected both Monitors on my GPU and it worked.
Thank you guys for your help and for your fast answers. ❤
Ok I got good news my Problem is fixed.
At first I updated the BIOS because I couldn't wait anymore for the cable.
But the Update didn't fix my problem.
Now I connected both Monitors on my GPU and it worked.
Thank you guys for your help and for your fast answers. ❤
You're welcome my friend. Happy gaming!
Just remember to select a best answer so others visiting the forum can see the solution.