All of the 300 series are likely to be tweaked series 200 chips. The 390X is rumored to get a 50MHz increase in speed, and double the memory.
The entire mobile line was a re-brand. So I do not expect the desktop chips to be any different.
The only entirely new cards will be the Fury's. But with the new aggressive clocking and memory capacities, plus aggressive pricing, things are bound to get interesting in a hurry.
Next summer is when it really gets interesting though. All of the video cards will be going to 14nm or 16nm, so thats a pretty big shrink from 28nm now, and at least the upper level cards will be going to HBMv2. HBM will gain DDR (double data rate) like desktop memory has, so it will double its speed, even if nothing else changes, and other things will be changing. AMD has already said that the 4 layer HBM on the Fury cards can be increased to 16 layers, and that more than 4 stacks are possible as well. So if we go to 16 layers, you suddenly have 4GB per stack, and if you go to 8 stacks, you end up with 32GB with a 8192 bit wide bus, and just multiplying out the expected 512MB bandwidth on the Fury cards, you end up at 2GB memory bandwidth, which is flat out wild.