R9 380x Psu


May 5, 2016
Hi! I'm thinking of buying an R9 380x 4GB and was wondering if my psu would work with the graphics card.
I have a Cooler master B500 V2 500WATT an AMD fx-6300 and 8gb ram@1600mhz

I'm also not planning on using the card to its fullest potential, I want to play most games on high fps in 1080p and I'm NOT over-clocking anything.
(I'm still a pc noob, so go easy on me)
Thank you in advance

You may not plan to push it all the way but it will go as far as it wants to at 1080p which is its sweet spot. You need to properly power it.

EVGA makes good PSU's however their 2 and S lines are much betetr quality than the NEX suggested above, get this for only a few dollars more:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by...
According to the website linked below, the minimum recommended power supply for a 380x is 550 Watts. This isn't to say that you couldn't get away with a 500 Watt PSU, but considering the risk is your whole system, I wouldn't do it.

PSU REQUIREMENTS: http://www.realhardtechx.com/index_archivos/Page362.htm

Ethan recommended a great power supply, the PSU that I'm using now, in fact, with my R9 290 with no issues.

You may not plan to push it all the way but it will go as far as it wants to at 1080p which is its sweet spot. You need to properly power it.

EVGA makes good PSU's however their 2 and S lines are much betetr quality than the NEX suggested above, get this for only a few dollars more:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA GS 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($79.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $79.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-05-05 15:44 EDT-0400

Its made by seasonic, puts out enough power and is very quiet.