R9 Fury Questions


Jun 19, 2014
Hi everyone,

I am upgrading my graphics card in my pc:
i7 2700k @3.5 ghz with a cooler master hyper 212 evo
8 gb ddr3 corsair vengeance
Asus p8z68
550w psu
Radeon HD5450 1gb
CoolerMaster N300 Mid Tower
Samsung 1080p monitor 8000:1 ratio 5ms
Windows 7

I hope to upgrade to a R9 Fury (Product link: http://goo.gl/f57xtm) but i have a couple of questions:
1. I want to upgrade for the purpose of gaming, i play in 1080p but i want my computer to be future proof, is this card decent for a future proof 1080p gaming build?
2. how big is the difference between the Regular edition vs the OC edition, the OC edition is 100 USD more.
3. I live in Australia so if i bought the card from amazon (its 800 AUD incl. shipping from there compared to 1000 AUD off Ebay Australia) would i have issues with electricity, warranty or anything?
4. Will any of my current parts bottleneck it or not be compatible with it? I know that i will have to upgrade my power supply.

My other option to this card was a gtx 980 g1 gaming but it went up in price by 50 AUD so it is 800 AUD now, apparently Direct X 12 will perform well with the fury and make it a better card.

For 1080p you would probably be better off with a R9 390X or a R9 390. AMD stated that the FURY and Fury X are intended for higher resolutions, It's not stellar for 1080p. If you are intending to upgrade resolutions then the Fury would be a solid investment.

The rest of the system looks good, at the rate Intel is increasing performance, that CPU of yours should be good for a good while longer. (My CPU is older than yours and I haven't a reason to upgrade yet and I haven't even OC'd it)

What is the make and model of the PSU? The upper end AMD GPU's can be power hungry.

AMD focused the Fury line for higher resolutions and so the 1080p performance is lacking. For 1080p, the 390X is a better choice at this point, plus it has twice the memory which helps with longevity.

As for the OC versions, AMD locked the voltage and memory so the overclocking potential is low. It is unknown if AMD will ever allow those to be OC'd.
The higher the resolution the better the R9 Fury is, currently HBM memory serves no huge benefit for resolutions less than 1440p. HBM is still in early development and due to it's low clock speed it's pretty limited in it's capability currently. Only advantage of the Fury is the strong core, whereas cards such as the R9 390/X with 8GB GDDR5 will be struggling before it needs over around 4GB of it's Vram deeming the rest somewhat useless. Only advantage of the cards having 8GB GDDR5 installed is in corssfire, when Vram is scaled and physical GPU power is combined.

Are you planning to stay at 1080p? If yes then the R9 390/X is sufficient.

List your full PSU specs for verification as well.

From what i have read, the R9 Fury was just as good as the 980 in 1080p and is going to get better with DX12, My power supply is an unbranded cheapo (found it with the rest of my pc) that is in need of an upgrade. I will probably go for this: http://goo.gl/q5H22K

Thanks for the quick response!


I wouldn't buy such an expensive GPU on the hopes that DX12 will help it's performance. At this point we don't completely know how much of a difference DX12 will make or for what types of machines. i.e. Mantle only really benefited machines with weaker CPU's. IIRC the Fury at 1080p was performing about equal and sometimes worse than the 390X and just above the GTX 970. Below 1440p the Fury is lacking and DX12 is still an unknown.

As for the PSU, you definitely want to do that upgrade at the same time. I suggest trying to get a PSU from tiers 1 or 2 from this list:
It's not so much about the wattage as it is about the quality.

I will definitely look into getting a better power supply from the list you mentioned, i didn't actually know how much they mattered! What about the GTX 980 for 1080p gaming or would that more be for higher resolutions as well? I want to upgrade my monitor to a 1440p gaming monitor but they are still too expensive so i am just going to get a better 1080p monitor.