R9 Fury X or Zotac Gtx 980 ti amp extreme


Jun 16, 2014
Hi,my build has two R9 295x2's although after selling my build (wich is what i'm gonna do) i'm gonna hesitate in taking 3 R9 Fury X's or 2 Gtx 980 ti amp extreme's.
I've had some preety crappy performance with my two R9 295x2's,most games would make my cards throttle for no reason (not from heat),some games would only use one of the R9 290x's in my cards,the crossfire never really worked well even though i changed my motherboard to make sure.
I'm really loving the design of the R9 Fury X and for that alone i want it,but i'm afraid that i will have the same performance issues as with my R9 295x2's...there are so many people who complain about amd not working right with crossfire and having really fucked up issues,but i really want that low latency HBM for VR and 4K Gaming.
The Gtx 980 ti amp extreme by zotac will mostly fuck my ears up from the noise they will produce.
If i could get some help in knowing if 3 R9 Fury X's will work perfectly together then i would be really thankfull.
Thank you.
P.S. sorry for my bad english,it is not my primary language.
If you want good quality than go for gtx 980 ti and if want a higher frame rate then buy fury x gtx 980 ti and fury x has almost same fps for single go for gtx 980 ti and if you want 2 cards then go for fury x crossfire i have seen the benchmarks gtx 980 ti single gives better fps then fury x but fury x crossfire give 5-6 fps better then gtx 980 ti sli
If you want good quality than go for gtx 980 ti and if want a higher frame rate then buy fury x gtx 980 ti and fury x has almost same fps for single go for gtx 980 ti and if you want 2 cards then go for fury x crossfire i have seen the benchmarks gtx 980 ti single gives better fps then fury x but fury x crossfire give 5-6 fps better then gtx 980 ti sli
Instead of investing so much right now on the rig you're planning to have, I'd rather wait for nVIDIA's Pascal which includes HBM 2 and probably a genuine Next-Gen GPU and as rumors goes, Probably AMD will be coming with something similar too! For the time being you might get R9 Fury X2 (After it gets released) or just get a GTX 980ti G1 that probably kills the Titan X in some cases too :)
Pascal will come in late 2016 or early 2017get yourself zotac gtx 980 ti amp Extreme i know it produces so much sound but if you have a good headset then go for gtx 980 ti amp Extreme because i repeat nvidia has good picture quality then amd
So far I can't find any review for the Zotac 980 Ti Amp! Exteme card, and I've been looking a lot. I have my eyes on it for an upgrade. So until a review comes out from somebody on it...I dunno, I just haven't heard enough about this card to sway it either way.

the fury is new and in the some of the benchmarks it shows it beats the 980ti and titanx, and once more drivers come out i think it will be better than the 980ti, plus HBM memory is better and newer, and overclocking it by mhz increase its performance by 10% which is alot

look i am again telling you that fps is not only thing you if you think that 5-8 fps will make difference unless you are below 30 fps look there is a lot of quality if you want better fps and if you cant differencient between the quality then my suggestion is to go for a ps4 or xbox one and if you can differenciat between quality the go for nvidia and if still want 3 r9 fury x dont go for that because if you combine 3 of them the total memory will be 12gb which equal to one titan x and now a days games are memory hungry not memory bandwith like gta 5 and if you turn on every settings on 4k ultra it uses 14264mb with aa on and everything you can set to ultra
this not mine but cousin's
and gta 5 dont use higher memory bandwith or higher shadder processing units and you know what titan x sli will perform better because it will 24gb of memory
give me the buget i wil make you beast pc

ACX 2.0 is from evga not asus and the clock is
GPU - 1102
Boost - 1190

Zoltac amp extreme
GPU - 1253MHz
Boost - 1355MHz

zoltac have much higher clocks
I just ordered my Zotac Amped Extreme Edition. Should be arriving next week. The card has been reviewed and it beats the Titan X stock clocked and levels out with (2) GTX 970s.
Search online for reviews. The card is a beast.
The reason i recommended nvidia is because of nvidia game works like hbao+ mfaa txaa physx hairworks you will enjoy these features in far cry 4 witcher 3 assassin's creed unity and i myself use GTX 980 Ti Amp Extreme and i love nvidia game works i play at 1440p and i am 13 years old