Radeon 9600FX and KoToR Problem?

Yes, I had Gforce 3 ti200 64mb, but I installed the card about 3 weeks ago, all games have been working fine, but I hadn't played KoToR since my previous card and yesterday when I went to play again, I get this problems, but all other games work fine.
What was this "INI" file? What other games have you been playing?

Before installing the new card, did you remove the NVidia drivers?
If (old_drivers==removed)
Did you == use(Detonator_Destroyer)
If yes, try patching the game
download and run(Detonator)Destroyer)
uninstall NVidia_drivers properly;

Do not spit.
Games that Worked fine were, BF1942, COunterstrike, Championship Manager, the Ini file from Kotor is:

WHen I uninstalled, I when to properties and uninstalled the drivers from there.

Where can I get detonator destroyer?
<A HREF="http://www.guru3d.com/detonator-destroyer/" target="_new">http://www.guru3d.com/detonator-destroyer/</A>

You might also want to do another reinstall of the game, since you say you just updated the ATI drivers.

Do not spit.
Yea, just to eliminate every other possibility. Make sure you uninstall the ATI drivers, instead of overwriting. You can set the base display driver as SuperVGA or something before you do.

Do not spit.
One last question, I downloaded the latest ati drivers, in one exe file, when I uninstall the ati drivers, do I just need to run that latest driver? does it have everything needed in it?