Radeon HD 4650 512mb GDDR3 vs 1gb GDDR2


Jul 9, 2009
Which would get better FPS in a game that puts a lot of stress on the card and which has a lower temperature? A 512mb GDDR3 or a 1gb GDDR2?
GDDR2 is a fair bit slower that GDDR3, so any slight gains make by the extra memory would be destroyed by its lower speed.
As for cooling: It depends on the card, some are better cooled than others, the temperature is determined by that, not the memory type or quantity.

thanks guys. by the way, what do you think of the geforce 7500 LE, thats the card i have right now. piece of cr*p. thats why im upgrading.

Seriously now stay away form Graphic cards that cost less than 500$. Now if you want to enjoy games you need something like 2x GTX285 or better.

Well, the reason i'm updating is because idling the GPU is running at 60 degrees celcius and when i use a light program with the lowest possible settings it goes to 91 degrees celcius, but its very slow and glitchy, so i just want one that has hd and is cheap. I'd love to have the 2x GTX285 but it costs a bit much.

Not every one has that much to spend on graphic cards.And what do you think why the graphic cards below 100$ in the market?

We should buy the hardware which fulfill our needs.

I think that almost every one can afford to spend 500$ for a graphic card.

PC gaming is not an expensive hobby actually is a very cheap. Even if your salary is only 1500$ you CAN afford to spend 3000$ every year for a new PC (250$ per month 250x12=3000$) really 250$ per month is nothing.
Ignore the troll. He's probably an old-timer from here, irritated at the new rating system that was imposed, and is trying to make a point.
Read the most recent "Best Graphics Cards for the Money" article. Find the section for your budget. There's also a chart on the last page offering relative performance rankings of graphics cards. There will always be anomalies and exceptions, but it is an excellent general guide.

ermmm, no offence or anything but if you knew any better, you would have read the part where i said i wanted something cheap, not 500$. im willing to spend no more than 80$. i just want one thatll have good cooling and a decent fps.
Hey, the 4650 is not horrible, but for 80 bucks....grab this little guy.


70 bucks with a 10 dollar mail in rebate.

And don't listen to troll. He's a newb. I'm like the OP, I don't always have a lot to spend on hardware, though I love computers and games. I've actually got my Bachelor's for IT, and have my apple certification, but with a family and all, just don't have the time for games as much. But according to reviews, the 4670 is nearly as good as a 9600gt. Which is the card I've got, and it honestly does good. If you run lower resolution say at 1280x800. Then you should be fine, and be able to put on a little eye candy, don't expect too much from the card though.

As far as 512 ddr3 vs 1 gb ddr2, the ddr3 is better. The ddr2 is slower, and you'd only need 1 gb when running high resolution or too much eye candy, which by that time, these cards would be choking because they aren't made for that. Personally, I'd grab the 4670 and be happy for a while, as I said, just don't expect too much from the card.

You do not speak for everyone.

Not everyone can afford or want to spend $500 on a GPU / $3,000 on a PC every year. There are more important things to spend $250 per month on. Unless you live in an inexpensive area or at home with your parents. Try living in NYC paying about $1,400 for a non luxury 450ft apartment where the median annual salary is roughly $46,000 before taxes and other deductions.

well, the shop im going to sell them over my budget, which is annoying.

i agree