[citation][nom]siliconchampion[/nom]Whoa, people, people!Perhaps in stead of flaming the author out about his choice of Nvidia favoring titles, perhaps you could make some helpful suggestions of game titles you would like to see benchmarked...Personally, I would love to see some CoD4 and MW2 benchies, but that's just me.[/citation]
Well you have to put into consideration that TOms did not put in the newer 5850's, 5870's and the new king, 5890. This isnt really biased as Nvidia did hold on its own and it clearly showed during these benches.... Ive actually seen some of these benchmarks on older tests and I think they just wanted to test budget "high" end GPU's that are shown in the BLACK bars and comparing it to the older tests in which the 5870's and 5890's werent a part of...