Radeon or Geforce 2?



I'm going to buy a new 3d accelerator. I currently have an Nvidia TNT2. I'm thinking about upgrading to either a Geforce 2 64mb, or A radeon DDR 64mb. I trust Nvidia more, but I can get the Radeon for a little less. What do I do?



Dec 31, 2007
well the radeon can beat the gts at 1024 x 768 at 32bit and is fully directx 8 supported. the radeon is good for 32-bit gaming. not old school 16-bit where nvidia wins.

base it off this

geforce2 gts:
-16 bit
-if you play at 640 x 400 or 800 x 600

radeon 64mb
-32 bit
-if you play at 1024 x 768 or 1280 x 1024

-- takes one to now one --


Dec 31, 2007
I will never buy another ATI product. ATI sucks. The new ATI Radeons suck. The drivers don’t work for [-peep-] on win2k. Driver updates are non existent as in the past. They have no toll free tech support. Their new Radeon cards ship with win2k drivers which don’t work properly. If you want to feel [-peep-] on buy Radeon.


Dec 31, 2007
I don't know why, but I get this nagging feeling that hobbit doesn't like radeon too much:)

(He apparently spent the last FIVE weeks telling everybody how bad ATI is, check the posting history :)

OK Hobbit, you may have had horrifying experience, though I forget what it is. Still, with any brand there are people who have nightmarish things happen to them. With ATI, it just so happened to be you -- sorry! Poop happens! :(

But that aside, personal experiences vary. I had the most beautiful experience with ATI Custome Service (They even sent me a driver update on a CD at their cost for my ATI TV Wonder - go figure:)
I'm gettin a ATI Radeon All-in-wonder 'cause I can use the TV tuner etc.

Still, I must say that if you're only going to play games, Geforce2 may be a better option... Also, the Radeon drivers for Linux are currently in development while Geforce ones seem to be working OK for many people.
I don't know which one will provide better compatibility with future games, but with Nvidia and ATI the only seriousy competitors right now, chances are that both will be well supported...

You can't go really wrong with either,
and anybody who is a die-hard fan and has an exclusive,
regardless-of-circumstances preference for or against either one should be taken with a big chunk of salt:)


Dec 31, 2007
(and btw hobbit, I happen to live in Canada right now and I don't really appreciate some of the comments you made... don't assault the nation because you don't like a particular product made by a particular country... besides, all those big companies are international conglomerations anyhoo... the boss likely spends his time in Bahamas:)

sorry... got off the topic here... I know I shouldn't get offended by people whose vocabulary consists of variations of f-words, but sometimes it can't be helped:(


Dec 31, 2007
16 bit? ROFLMAO! My old TNT2 Ultra can even do 32bit. Give me a break. (Really shows that he's compared the Radeon to GeForce in his own experience, as he claims.)


Dec 31, 2007
I wish I still had a copy of the long and detailed report I typed out to them concerning problems with their card. In the phone calls to them (which the customer pays for) they could not help me but were interested in my errors as some had already been reported and some were new to them and some helped them figure out more in detail why certain errors would occur. They encouraged a detailed write up. I did them a favor at my own expense and time and then they replied with we will only fix problems reported to a significant degree… Only if customers complain enough will they bother fixing problem. What a joke. In other words they know of problems but are not fixing them until their customers really start complaining in droves.

Under win2k these are the problems I encountered. All games using Glide of which I probably own 40 have graphics that look like [-peep-]. Direct3d, which works on some games, looks like crap on some and good on others. TV looks good but the downloading of the TV schedule fails half the time. TV out controls for turning TV on and off do not work at all. When you plug in your Svideo your automatically outputting your pc signal to your TV and cannot switch it on and off like you’re supposed to be able to on your pc. Furthermore once you view your pc on you TV your graphics no longer fit your pc monitor screen and you end up using your mouse to scroll to areas on the peripheral of your pc monitor you can see unless you scroll there. This problem is terrible since you cannot use the controls that come with the card to switch back to using the monitor as the screen properly. What happens is you get stuck with this scrolling problem and it doesn’t go away even when you reboot. The only way I found to fix it is to completely uninstall the drivers and then reinstall them and set the monitor resolution low to like 640x480 and then reset it back up to whatever you want. This is very time consuming process. ATI never even replied to this particular problem. DVD playback, which is hardware driven stutters! Mpeg4 playback fails! This card is a nightmare folks! I have forgotten half of what I wrote them detailing errors received and better descriptions of the problems but this should be enough to explain what a piece of crap this card is. After spending about four hours total on the phone with them and getting them all the information they wanted I get no reassurances. All I get is hopefully we will have an answer to some of these problems in the future. Blah Blah Blah. Month goes by and nothing. Many people have posted on Tomshardware as to the untrustworthy nature of ATI concerning drivers and their inability to act quickly to fix driver problems. How can you purchase a card that ships with Win2k drivers today and have it not work in everything properly accept TV in? When it takes half a year to fix all the problems on such a product why bother buying it since by that time the card will be selling for less than half what you paid for it and will be half as fast as newer cards on the market. ATI is going the way of the Dodos if they continue with this irresponsible behavior.

An email I sent ATI in response to a customer support reply that was more useless than the long distance phone support.

Thank you very much for you're very kind reply... I find the information I have provided your company with at my expense much more valuable to you than the information you have provided me. Reiteration of solutions I have already tried does neither of us any good. I have returned both cards to the original retailer. In the future please refrain from releasing unfinished products. I and other customers regard such actions as unlawful. I can no longer recommend your products due to poor driver performance under win2k (I have not tested any other OS nor do I wish to do so as your product ships with supposed perfect win2k drivers), which I have tested extensively. The long list of problems with your drivers is tiresome. DVD play, which I previously thought, worked perfectly stutters randomly. In the future please don't rely on your customer base to solve your problems for you because in the end you lose valuable promotional commentary along with a good customer. No need to reply I just thought you should know how thoroughly disgusted I am with your product and your company.

p3 700
AT 100 Maxtor 45GB 7200RPM
Asus CUSL2 Mobo
SBlive 5.1 Platinum
296 SDRam Cas2 PC133

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Hobbit on 12/19/00 08:33 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


The latest shootout between GTS2 Ultra and Radeon at 1600*1200*32bits in toms review concludes that

GTS2 Ultra is the winner in most applications, I think radeon this time loss out completely or nearly completely.

Anyway, at first I though Radeon was better in 32bit , but then Nvidia releases a new board using faster ram and core hence won back.

So I would got for GTS2 Ultra. but no moeny so stay with GF1DDR :(

I didn't know radeon had so much problem? how come tom didn't say a word about it???

Hmm I wonder?

Best regards


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