[SOLVED] Radiator single fan stack vs doubble fan stack

Mat Sauve

Nov 13, 2013
I remember watching a video (I think it was from Gamers nexus or JayzTwoCents) but I cant find it anymore,

It was about testing radiators with fans on one side vs fans on both sides.
Apparently depending on the Thickness of the radiator and the fin density, having too much fans caused the radiator to actually dissipate less heat,
and depending on the radiator, you should lean towards ether slower but larger fans vs smaller faster fans, And some times not use a top and bottom fan combo.

Does anyone know something about this ?
Or know if this has any validity to it?
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Push only, vs push/pull.

Yes, the push/pull can result in worse performance. "Can", not "does".
Turbulence in the competing airflow.
Or it might be better.
Or it might be better temp, but more noise.

And even if it were better....that "better" is almost certainly not a significant amount.

If push/pull were always better, that's the way these things would be designed, sold, and installed.
Push only, vs push/pull.

Yes, the push/pull can result in worse performance. "Can", not "does".
Turbulence in the competing airflow.
Or it might be better.
Or it might be better temp, but more noise.

And even if it were better....that "better" is almost certainly not a significant amount.

If push/pull were always better, that's the way these things would be designed, sold, and installed.
Thanks USAFRet
I didn't have the proper wording for my question so i didn't get hits when searching
the forums :S
But I'm getting a lot more hits with Push only vs push/pull on radiators

I also found the video I was talking about ...

Crazy how you can find exactly what you need when you have the proper terms
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Thanks USAFRet
I didn't have the proper wording for my question so i didn't get hits when searching
the forums :S
But I'm getting a lot more hits with Push only vs push/pull on radiators

I also found the video I was talking about ...

Crazy how you can find exactly what you need when you have the proper terms
At 14:23 in that vid, it shows the temp differences.

The potential for added noise with the push/pull does not, for me, justify the lower temp.
And your system config may come up with different numbers.