hoesntly i dotn really anticipate this game or doom4 , seems like the boys at crytec , almost every new game ID does , tends to force us intoa a costly computer uopgradeto play the game. and as far as good records go , i'd ahve to say far cry , crysis were much more enjoyable games taht doom 3 was (which i found terribly mediocre and lacked teh original's fast action) . So no not really anticipating these titles. i'd be more enthused if ID was talking more about game play than graphics , but they are not all i ehare is graphics this graphics that , , thoguh ID is not the only company that is guilty of this. Now fall out vegas , tehr's a game i look forward to , uses a an older engine that can stil deliver a nice graphical punch today , and most of what teh devs are talking about , is game play features not how saucky the video looks. as for ID i'll wait for the reviews and benches before i jump at it , no point in jumping at the game if i cant run on high (or v. high) settings at the piss ass measly resolution my monitor pulls ( old 4:3 19 lcd , maxes res at 1280x1024). for that matter no point in jumpign aat teh right way if it only offers a mediocre exprience ... still wishign i ahd waited for doom3 to age some paid 50 bucks first week it came otua dn was some waht disapoitned on my odl comp since it was A mediocre ,a dn b could only run it at medium details then.