Raid server (adaptec 1200a) corrupting files?


Apr 25, 2005
Archived from groups: (More info?)

I recently put together (with the help of a friend) a raid server w/
(4 new matched WD) 200g HD mirrored and striped which I use to store
photo files. After being up and running for awhile, it crashed,
apparently the result of a bad drive which we replaced and soon it
was up and running again, or so it seems. Whe I began saving files to
it again, I discovered +/- 10% were being corrupted presumably in the
saving process. This happens at download from flash cards or when
saving during work in photoshop.

The on board software says the system is functioning properly and the
Adaptec database has provided no help. Does anyone have any idea what
might be causing this? :(


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Previously kinetix <> wrote:
> I recently put together (with the help of a friend) a raid server w/
> (4 new matched WD) 200g HD mirrored and striped which I use to store
> photo files. After being up and running for awhile, it crashed,
> apparently the result of a bad drive which we replaced and soon it
> was up and running again, or so it seems. Whe I began saving files to
> it again, I discovered +/- 10% were being corrupted presumably in the
> saving process. This happens at download from flash cards or when
> saving during work in photoshop.

> The on board software says the system is functioning properly and the
> Adaptec database has provided no help. Does anyone have any idea what
> might be causing this? :(

Can you track down theexact nature of the corruption, i.e. compare
some bad images with their good versions binarily? If it is single
bits, then you might have bad RAM. I have seen that several times
by now. You can also run Memtest86 (->google) for some hours
to check for this problem.
