I am going to be putting together e4400 + ds3. So I am having problems finding the right kind of ram. I am on a ram budget; so the max I can spend on ram is $115. I would like at least 2 gigs of ram, so any suggestions?
In essence, what you need is DDR2-667 or Faster RAM with as low of a latency as possible. The DDR2-667 will let you push the CPU to 3.5Ghz, but that chip is likely not going to like running that fast.
DDR2-800 is just nice for possible future upgrades to let you OC one of the 1333FSB CPUs.
If you look at the link i put to newegg's memory page, there's a few good deals there w/ mail in rebates. crucial 800Mhz 4-4-4-12 for $80, patriots, corsairs, etc.