Ram dilemma


Aug 21, 2006
I am going to be putting together e4400 + ds3. So I am having problems finding the right kind of ram. I am on a ram budget; so the max I can spend on ram is $115. I would like at least 2 gigs of ram, so any suggestions?
The pc will be used for gaming/photoshop/aftereffects/office work. With this e4400 I am planning to oc w/ a stock heatsink. Try to approach a 3.0ghz
Here is some nearly identical RAM from Geil, but somes with a nice rebate.


In essence, what you need is DDR2-667 or Faster RAM with as low of a latency as possible. The DDR2-667 will let you push the CPU to 3.5Ghz, but that chip is likely not going to like running that fast.

DDR2-800 is just nice for possible future upgrades to let you OC one of the 1333FSB CPUs.

Low Latency is always key for good performance.
If you look at the link i put to newegg's memory page, there's a few good deals there w/ mail in rebates. crucial 800Mhz 4-4-4-12 for $80, patriots, corsairs, etc.