RAM for a Dell (It's not mine!)


Dec 13, 2001
I need a hand, guys. I want to help out a friend who has a Dell -No, throwing it out the window isn't an option. He wants to add some RAM, and I'm trying to find out what's compatible. It runs on <i>seemingly</i> regular DDR 333 unbuffered, unregistered RAM. I can't find documentation anywhere to narrow down this search. Dell, Corsair, Crucial, and Kingston all offer "guaranteed compatible" RAM, which costs 25-30% more than normal RAM from their lines. The big problem is that my friend lives 2000mi away, and I can't just experiment with stuff I have or from my local shops. Does anyone know for <i>sure</i> whether Kingston KVR, Corsair CMX, or other name-brand RAM will work with a Dell Dimension 2400?

<A HREF="http://www.rebturtle.com" target="_new">rebturtle</A>
<A HREF="http://www.rebturtle.com/turtletech.htm" target="_new">My System</A>
<A HREF="http://www.4allmemory.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.memorySearch&model_id=37704" target="_new">Guaranteed To Work with your Dell Dimension 2400</A>

You should be fine with any PC-2700 CL2.5. Buy from a reputable source.

"Memory with lifetime warranty? So, whose lifetime is that?"
<A HREF="http://www.brentcrowley.com/" target="_new">homepage</A>
No doubt, Dell will tell you to buy memory from them.

Some years ago, it is known that some of the PC vendors would hard-wire their motherboards into preventing users to upgrade memory on their own. Essentially forcing you to buy their memory.

Now, most PC vendors have adopted JEDEC standard, and it is no longer necessary to buy memory directly from DELL, compaq, HP etc.

I would recommend not buying memory from DELL, as memory upgrades are expensive.
<A HREF="http://www6.tomshardware.com/business/20050221/rambus-01.html" target="_new">Upgrades modules make up 11% of the DRAM market</A>

You can buy memory much cheaper elsewhere. You can search pricewatch.com. Stay away from 3rd party (meaning only buy original modules) or buy from reputable sources like Kingston or Crucial.

To ensure compatibility buy PC-2700 CL2.5 (dont go for CL2). Also you want to use (32Mx8) configuration, which is standard for 256MB and 512MB memory modules.

"Memory with lifetime warranty? So, whose lifetime is that?"
<A HREF="http://www.brentcrowley.com/" target="_new">homepage</A>
Go to crucial.com, use their configurator to find out what type of ram is acceptable in the sys, then shop around for it, oh yea its also great that you made it a point to say the Dell isnt yours, and I dont blame you either :)