I'm currently planning out my new build and am stuck on which frequency of ram to get. Both the CPU and MOBO say the max supported frequency is 2667mhz. Do I go higher or is this the max frequency it will run at? Really need some clarification here. Also, I was looking at this ram for my build. https://m.newegg.ca/products/N82E16820233828?_ga=2.218830554.273110030.1511205395-1684919905.1509663900&_gac=1.255569530.1510816060.CjwKCAiA6K_QBRA8EiwASvtjZTRbQY3YTDXTPXlFlP_LnedgX6E43oFcIluSj0ShqIOHDRxn0Yki9xoClB8QAvD_BwE
Ryzen 5 1600x
Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3
GTX 1070
Ryzen 5 1600x
Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3
GTX 1070