Ram for Ryzen 1600x and Gigabyte Gaming 3 Mobo


Nov 15, 2017
I'm currently planning out my new build and am stuck on which frequency of ram to get. Both the CPU and MOBO say the max supported frequency is 2667mhz. Do I go higher or is this the max frequency it will run at? Really need some clarification here. Also, I was looking at this ram for my build. https://m.newegg.ca/products/N82E16820233828?_ga=2.218830554.273110030.1511205395-1684919905.1509663900&_gac=1.255569530.1510816060.CjwKCAiA6K_QBRA8EiwASvtjZTRbQY3YTDXTPXlFlP_LnedgX6E43oFcIluSj0ShqIOHDRxn0Yki9xoClB8QAvD_BwE

Ryzen 5 1600x
Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3
GTX 1070

Is 3000+ recommended? I'm a bit tight on budget at the moment. Also, I may get a 1060 6gb rather than the 1070. It's not set in stone yet. I mostly just use my pc for gaming and watching streams.

I have a 2 BenQ RL2455HM monitors.
Ryzen 5 1600x
Gigabyte AB350 Gaming 3
HyperX 212 evo cooler
650w PSU
Gtx 1070 or 1060 6GB
4 case fans
Budget for ram + cpu is about $400-$450 cad. Could push it to $500, but I wanted to grab a new case as well, so prefer to keep it as low as possible. Cpu is currently $255 on Newegg.ca
Since your monitor is 1080p, 60Hz. Unless you are upgrading to 1080p 144Hz monitor soon, 1070 is overkill. I recommend 1600 over 1600X due to its decent stock cooler which 1600X lacks. 1600 can use that stock cooler to OC to similar or even better than 1600X. What PSU model is it? Total budget on the build in Canadian currency? Any storage? Need OS?

Yeah I already have a HyperX 212 evo cooler, so that's why I'm going with the 1600x. Not sure which model my PSU is as it's sitting in my case at home. I have storage already and will need a new os key. Budget for entire build is a bit unclear as I'm planning on buying my GPU on boxing day. I have the mobo, so really all I'm buying right now is cpu and ram, maybe case. $450 cad would be an ideal number for me. Hoping there's some decent sales on ram come Friday

I have already ordered the new mounting bracket for the 212 as coolermaster was offering it for free. Just had to pay for shipping. So that's on the way. I saw that ram, but it wasn't on the qvl list for my mobo+ryzen, from what I saw. Should still be okay though?
Not on QVL list -> no guarantee for 3200. However, QVL list is only ram that has been tested. My ripsaw 3200 is not on QVL either but did run 3200 on my MSI b350m gaming pro. It will be ideal if you can find some ram reasonably priced on QVL list :) Ripsaw is pretty good.

I'll take my chances with this ram at this price. It's a great deal. Thanks for all your help. Going to go with the 1600x as my am4 bracket should be here this week for my 212 evo. I'll pay the extra $25 for the higher base clock.