Question Ram Over Clock = PC crash. how do i fix this.


Feb 14, 2018
Well hello there!!! So i just got today some new Corsair Vengeance lpx Ram (32gb 4x8gb) 3200mhz. Im having some problems with my overclock on it. i know that DDR4 ram stock speeds are 2133mhz and to get the max mhz out of it you have to OC it. My PC boots into windows just fine at stock speeds but when i OC my ram to its rated speed at 3200mhz my PC will either boot into windows for a 30-45sec then crash or just not boot in windows at all. im asking this because im running a Ryzen 7 2700x and i know Gen 1 ryzen really gained a lot from OC your ram Gen 2 gains as well but not as much. the whole reason i bought this ram was to get that max speed and not being able to is upsetting to me. if anyone could help me that would be great!!
Make sure your motherboard BIOS is the most recent available for it. Also, try backing your OC down a bit (like 3000).

What is the make/model of your motherboard?
Spec list

Motherboard - Asus Rog Strix b450-f
CPU - ryzen 7 2700x
GPU - GTX 1060 6gb
SSD - EVO 500gb
Ram - COrsair LPX 32gb 3200mhz
Make sure your motherboard BIOS is the most recent available for it. Also, try backing your OC down a bit (like 3000).

What is the make/model of your motherboard?
i just went back and tried to overclock at 3000mhz and as of right now its running longer then it has b4. i really wanna get to the 3200 but its not totally needed. im going to try now and see if there is a bios update or anything else that i can do to see if i can get the 3200. thanks for your help and well will see where i end up.
Since you can't give detailed information, I will let someone else deal with this kid
Check yourself. Im pretty sure i replied to everyone individually (including you) with my pc specs and i even told you how im overclocking. your help isn't wanted here anyway thanks but no thanks. Go be toxic somewhere else.
You haven't listed your entire specs
and you havent said how you are trying to OC it
what should i do? please help :) _
i have same problem and my motherboard is: asus b450m-a
cpu: ryzen 5 2600x
and ram: 3*8gb geil evo forza 3200 mhz
my system is restaring again and again and have problem with this speed on overclock. i cant even access my bios setting to set it back to normal speed, i just set the speed on 3200 in bios setting.
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what should i do? please help :) _
i have same problem and my motherboard is: asus b450m-a
cpu: ryzen 5 2600x
and ram: 3*8gb geil evo forza 3200 mhz
my system is restaring again and again and have problem with this speed on overclock. i cant even access my bios setting to set it back to normal speed, i just set the speed on 3200 in bios setting.
i just romoved the rams and hit the powercut swich in the back, then replaced them back. reset the bios to default and everything back to normal. but still its not overclocked, i think i sould update bios or use some app like amd ryzen master