Ram overclocking gone wrong

Feb 3, 2019
I was trying to bump my ram up to 3000mhz which it is listed at. It would just boot to the windows login screen. But it would get stuck before I could move my mouse at all. I've reset all my settings in the bios to default but it's still getting stuck at the windows login. No idea what to do next..... Below are my specs.

850 watt bronze PSU
Asus Crosshair VI and 1800x
GTX 2080
2x8gb Corsair Vengence LPX 3000mhz
Samsung m.2 boot drive
3Tb Seagate mass storage

Thanks :)
Try from another cmos clear by
Unplug psu power cord from psu

Press and hold power button for 10-15 sec.
Plug back in and power on go into bios.
Go into ai tweeker
On like your first couple headings and set the docp
Then go down to dram frequency set to the 3000.
Then try giving the ram a little more voltage .
If your ram stock voltage is say 1.35 take it up to 1.375. Then reboot.
Should probably update your bios to the latest one. The newer agesa core has includes a lot of fixes regarding memory compatibility.

Once you upgrade your bios, in your Urdu/ bios setting. Enable docp. And make sure the dram freq is at 3000.

Save settings and give it a try.

It didn't seem to work after the bios update and reset. I set the speed to 3000 and voltage to 1.375. I still get to the windows log in screen and it freezes up. I'm also getting the code 24 on my mobo. But some quick googling seems to show it doesn't mean too much.

Update: I reinstalled windows and was able to boot successfully. However, after I get into windows my ram is still running at 2133 mhz and not the 3000 I had set in the bios.

2nd update: I restarted and now it's showing up as 3000mhz!!!! Thanks for all the help :)