RAM overclocking help?


May 18, 2013
Hello i have recently built a gaming computer and im trying to squeeze every frame i can out of it for the (deep voice) ULTIMATE GAMING EXPERIENCE
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/7ZsvYJ <Thats my build

I have a fairly nice motherboard i'd say well capable of overclocking it has this OC genie button on the board. I haven't ever overclocked so this'll be my first time.... Also keep in mind i have no fan directly flushing out my G.Skill X Series 8GB DDR3-1600 Memory sticks.

What is a safe clock speed that i can get on this ram? Can i overclock the RAM? Do i need another fan to flush air in/out directly over the ram?
(It's possible and cheap for me to do this)
Any help, suggestions, links and benchmarks are greatly appreciated!