ram plz help. why does cpu z say one thing but windows say another?


Aug 2, 2015
i just bought a new stik of 8gb ram and when i install it doesnt say that i have 16 gb it still says that i have 8 i have the same mhz (2133) on each and i have the right motherboard (ddr4) cpu z says that i have 16 gb ram but my windows thing says i only have 8 gb plz help look at pic
pic http://imgur.com/a/PyX9H

my system
gtx 960 2gb
8gb 2133mhz ddr4
windows 10
then put them back in slot 1 and 2 try to use the new ram in slot 1 and let system detect it then after put old ram in slot 2 and how system detect both if you could post a clear picture of the motherboard with all the parts and number we could see .

What is your motherboard / system model ?

i dont know its the motherboard i got with the pc. its acers own here is a pic http://imgur.com/CQQyApI

here its what windows think i have and havent put them in dual channel cuss that make bios bib (i have 2 diffrent ram sticks not from same company)

it says acer inc lan id:98eecb26bfd9
right under that it says
under that
that the number of board but could not find any details on her db.b1411.001 and this lead to a intel board b150 ,did you try to put i ram module in slot i and the other in slot 3 to see how windows will detect them that the most i could not able to find info on the motherboard maker .

I have but the bios Sound made bibs
then put them back in slot 1 and 2 try to use the new ram in slot 1 and let system detect it then after put old ram in slot 2 and how system detect both if you could post a clear picture of the motherboard with all the parts and number we could see .