Ram prices drop?


Jan 15, 2007
Was hoping some of you that are "in the know" could venture a guess at when
RAM prices will drop??? Christ the Yen is more flexible

Edit: Im assuming they will drop, w/ Vista rolling out is it possible they will spike upwards again...?
It May not. Do a google lookup at what happened to the Mem Makers. Looks like the DOJ had a field day with them. 🙂 Something about Colusion(sp).
Memory prices follow a high and low flow, when demand increases during the back to school/Christmas season prices ramp up.
Then starts to fall when the demand drops in mid summer, look to when much of the ram is ddr2 for the prices to drop even further.

The DOJ micron/samsung investigation was concerning the inflation of prices.

Vista will put a twist in the fall of ram prices, I would not expect to see ram go down to ddr prices that were seen in July of 06.

We may see 2 Gig DDR2 800 Cas 4 ram in the $160 price range at mid summer.

My .02 cents.
My personal opinion ( I don't have official market analysis from Corsair) is that we will need to see 1 or more of the following things occur before memory prices drop any meaningful amount.

1. Micron drastically improves D9 yields.
2. Some other IC maker comes out with a great new IC in huge quantity that is both a better price than Micron and offers equal or better performance than the D9.
3. Micron rev-f is available in huge quantity and it offers both a better price than the D9 and offers equal or better performance than the D9.