Question RAM Speed and XMP Profile Question


Dec 16, 2019
So, I went into the BIOS and changed the speed of my RAM to 3200Mhz, since that is the rated speed it says that it can hit. Though, that's all I did, I did not enable the XMP profile of-said RAM sticks. Does me putting the speed to 3200Mhz allow it to now reach that speed, or do I have to enable its XMP profile to actually do anything? (In Windows 10 under the task manager, it says the RAM is set to 3200)

Second question. Is it worth it to run the RAM's XMP profile? Would that reduce it's lifespan?
My advice is this:

  1. Get into BIOS and load the “optimal defaults”
  2. Restart
  3. Re-enter into BIOS and enable XMP (first profile) without touching anything else.
  4. Restart.

To answer to your question:
Those memory modules have been manufactured to work at those speeds and timings.
The manufacturer guarantees that it’ll work without issues.
It shouldn’t reduce its life span.
(But keep in mind that though it is considered “safe”, XMP profiles are still a type of overclock. And no overclock is guaranteed 100%.
So use XMP, but if you’ll face instabilities, you’ll have to get back to the default JEDEC settings).