Question Ram temp,good or to hot?


Jan 22, 2017
hello, so when i am gaming the ram temps go to like 45-47c max

is those temps good??
i have enabled XMP becouse ram wouldy only work at 2133mhz without xmp,but ram is 3200mhz.

what whould be ideal temp? and how to test stability of ram,and some ram test? ty
when i am gaming the ram temps go to like 45-47c max
My DDR5 (2 x 32GB) RAM is currently sitting at +55°C during a long 1080p to 4K upscale. I've run at these temperatures continuously for up to 36 hours. So far, so good.

The manufacturer's spec for my memory is Operating Temperature range: 0°C to +85°C.

i have enabled XMP becouse ram wouldy only work at 2133mhz without xmp,but ram is 3200mhz.
The stock (default) JEDEC speed of 2,133MT/s is typical for DDR4. This is the speed DDR4 RAM usually starts up at, immediately after you install the DIMMs.

If you want to overclock your specific RAM, you can then try increasing the speed to 3,200MT/s. Whether or not the RAM will be stable at 3,200MT/s (or faster) depends to some degree on your CPU and motherboard.

I failed to get some DDR4-3000 RAM to work at 3,000MT/s with an AMD 2600X, until I manually tuned some of the memory timings. The maximum officially supported memory speed for the 2600X is DDR4-2933 (not 3000).

The XMP speed of RAM isn't guaranteed to work in all circumstances. Sometimes you have to tweak the timings. Sometimes RAM doesn't work at the manufacturer's maximum rated speed and you have to dial down the XMP overclock.
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My DDR5 (2 x 32GB) RAM is currently sitting at +55°C during a long 1080p to 4K upscale. I've run at these temperatures continuously for up to 36 hours. So far, so good.

The manufacturer's spec for my memory is Operating Temperature range: 0°C to +85°C.

The stock (default) JEDEC speed of 2,133MT/s is typical for DDR4. This is the speed DDR4 RAM usually starts up at, immediately after you install the DIMMs.

If you want to overclock your specific RAM, you can then try increasing the speed to 3,200MT/s. Whether or not the RAM will be stable at 3,200MT/s (or faster) depends to some degree on your CPU and motherboard.

I failed to get some DDR4-3000 RAM to work at 3,000MT/s with an AMD 2600X, until I manually tuned some of the memory timings. The maximum officially supported memory speed for the 2600X is DDR4-2933 (not 3000).

The XMP speed of RAM isn't guaranteed to work in all circumstances. Sometimes you have to tweak the timings. Sometimes RAM doesn't work at the manufacturer's maximum rated speed and you have to dial down the XMP overclock.
ok thanks.

i have enabled XMP and pc boot good,the test with passmark show that ram is inded in XMP or 3200mhz,as for 2133 i do 2 test and the same resoult after enable XMP the test both times show higher score.

the timmings are in XMP 16-18-18-38,are thos timmings good?
my old ram timmings are (no xmp cuz dosent have it hah) 22-22-22-52

cant find for G.SKILL trident Z operation temp on internet or G.skill website. pls help with that

i chage one top fan from both to exhaust to first intake and secend exhaust,the temp are now after gaming 41-42c,before 45-46c
will see. but the ram didnt go above 46c after 2h of gaming (before i switch fans) no i didnt play more then 40min and the game was Warzone
ram is indeed in XMP or 3200mhz,as for 2133 i do 2 test and the same result after enable XMP the test both times show higher score.
the timings are in XMP 16-18-18-38,are those timings good?
and what do you mean by, "are those timings good"?
good compared to other options available on the market,
or good for your particular kit?

they should be using the kit manufacturer's set specs with XMP enabled.
compare what you are seeing to what is stated on the packaging.

what is it exactly that you seem so worried about with your RAM?
are you experiencing issues with the system in general that you are afraid your RAM is attributing to?
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and what do you mean by, "are those timings good"?
good compared to other options available on the market,
or good for your particular kit?

they should be using the kit manufacturer's set specs with XMP enabled.
compare what you are seeing to what is stated on the packaging.

what is it exactly that you seem so worried about with your RAM?
are you experiencing issues with the system in general that you are afraid your RAM is attributing to?
The timmings are with XMP 16-18-18-38 on cpuz and hwinfo as ram label says.

Yes stuttering in warzone somtimes,but i think now the ram isnt.

After 1h and 20min no erorr and ram was maxout at 99.9% usage with max our at 42.2c
What are this?..
Lower is better or higher?
just related to timing and clock cycles.
lower would be "better".

but, if XMP is enabled they are running at their rated specs.
just leave them be unless you plan on going through overclocking and stress testing routines for some time to find the best possible outcome that still provides long stable use.

small OC on RAM doesn't affect performance with any noticeable impact on gaming.

if you want to include images in the thread;
upload to and properly link here.
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just related to timing and clock cycles.
lower would be "better".

but, if XMP is enabled they are running at their rated specs.
just leave them be unless you plan on going through overclocking and stress testing routines for some time to find the best possible outcome that still provides long stable use.

small OC on RAM doesn't affect performance with any noticeable impact on gaming.

if you want to include images in the thread;
upload to and properly link here.

This is what i am talking about.

so now after i put one 120mm fan for ram cooling,and after playing warzone the ram temps are betwen 43-45c so myb 2c cooler,but the room temp is 25c,heating,and pc case closed
is this good?
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