I have purchased some TForce Xcalibur RGB RAM that are rated at 4000MHz @ CL 16-20-20-44 1.35Vs. I can't get them to go past 3600MHz whether it's XMP or manually. My MOBO is a Z390M Gaming CF and am running an i7 9700k . My BIOS is up to date and supports 4266MHz RAM.. so this should work. I contacted Gigabyte and the phone support said that it's not compatible.. but when I go to the Team Group website and look at the RAM it clearly says the z390m gaming is supportedhttps://www.teamgroupinc.com/en/sup...R RGB DDR4&select3=PC&select4=GIGABYTE&page=2 . Anyone have any thoughts on this? One person seemed to think it's the 9700k and it only allows up to 3600MHz.. But I see youtube videos of people using a 9700K with 4000MHz and higher. So That can't be it.