As for NVIDIA being a cheating company... no shit. Obviously they are. But if you think that NVIDIA cheats anymore than AMD or Intel or any of the other giants, you are being totally daft. It is crap that NVIDIA is still stuck on DX10, granted, but to suggest that the gt200 arch is crap is utter garbage. This is a particularly insipid comment when you can actually go look at how both the gt200 arch and new radeon arch were designed on this very web site.
By *design* NVIDIA cards will be much better at more complex shader (generally speaking) while ATI will have a performance advantage in less complex shader functions. This carries over into games in that certain graphical features with varying complexity will see a boost depending on the card they are using. ATI is betting the farm on VLIW chips, NVIDIA with a custom design. NVIDIA hopes that as graphics and graphic design become more complex that the shader functions will get increasingly complex - hence they will have a long term advantage. ATI puts a lot of stock in the tried and (somewhat) proven VLIW style processors, which, while lacking in the hardware control that NVIDIA's processors have, are much simpler and smaller (hence being able to fit more on the die).
To suggest that NVIDIA is staving off innovation is just total and utter retarded. They brought CUDA into the wild basically a full year ahead of what ATI did with brook. It is superior in performance and features as well. This has nothing to do with game developers or anything. So basically, if you don't know what the hell you are talking about, why don't you do some research before spewing on a message board. It's time better spent for everyone.