Random Alt Tabs


If you don't have Office installed then it's something else. Has this always happened? Only in that game or any game? You need to go over any programs running in the background on your system, without actually seeing what is on there no way to know if something else is capturing the focus in Windows.
sorry i tought i was answering on another post as i am new to this community. The problem is while i am playing League of legends it randomly alt tabes me from the game. I checked for the solution and i saw a solution with the background office bug from windows but i do not have that tab ( office ) and idk what to do atm.

If you don't have Office installed then it's something else. Has this always happened? Only in that game or any game? You need to go over any programs running in the background on your system, without actually seeing what is on there no way to know if something else is capturing the focus in Windows.