random blue screens

make sure easy tune is not installed.
some of these overclock drivers can be installed from different directories at different update times. the result is you get two copies tweaking the CPU voltages in turn and it can make the system unstable. (bugchecks)

these can be detected in the memory dump files.
I would also monitor the various system voltages and make sure they are within 10% of the required voltages.

you might want to check the mode of your sata controller and make sure it is set to the correct mode.
(just because you have a IDE driver loaded, might be from some old CD player though)
you can change windows from IDE mode to AHCI mode with out reformatting...
Can't see the files because have to download it and I do not trust it. Post the pictures on sites like imgur or other image hosting sites.

First thoughts are RAM, run memtest on each stick and see if something is wrong. Do it multiple times individually. It'll take some time.
some problem occurred and the motherboard logic reset the CPU to prevent damage, the CPU was allowed to restart before the power was stable and on the boot up the CPU detected a cache error inside the CPU memory controller and the cpu called a bugcheck 0x124 to stop the problem.

-I could not read the BIOS info from the memory dump, this often indicates a very old BIOS version
- the system loaded a IDE controller file, this can indicate that a motherboard battery has failed and the motherboard has reset to startup defaults (IDE mode on older motherboards, rather than AHCI)
Check to see if the system time and date are correct in bios, if not the motherboard battery might need to be replaced.

- did not see any of the custom motherboard drivers being loaded.

I would be looking for:
- dust in the system (blow out dust from cpu fan, gpu fan and PSU fan
it could be causing overheating that could lead to the motherboard protection logic shutting down the board.

- update the BIOS to the most current version. generally only very old bios versions can not be read. these will not work correctly with updated windows builds.

- the power supply might be failing (well, some power issue caused the motherboard to reset the cpu)
most common would be overclocking in bios or a overclocking drive. (update the bios or reset it to defaults and reconfigure)

older bios might have automatic overclocking, if the battery failed then the system would go back to default voltages. (could not read the bios info so I could not read info about the CPU clock rates)
- I cleaned out the dust from all 3 components and the problem still persisted.

- The BIOs is up to date according to my system

- BIOs has been reset to defaults and nothing changed which ruled out overclocking.

Another thing to note is when i get a BSOD, my computer crashes a few more times after a single BSOD so i suspect overheating. However i have not changed the PSU nor update the BIOs (can't really) so they might also be a problem.

BIOs is up to date at 1-14-14

Temperature is fine and i just reapplied paste to the the thermal heatsink which lowered bluescreens by a major percentage.
However i still get them but just less often than before. Thanks for that!

If you want to continue researching my mobo is GA-78LMT-S2
make sure easy tune is not installed.
some of these overclock drivers can be installed from different directories at different update times. the result is you get two copies tweaking the CPU voltages in turn and it can make the system unstable. (bugchecks)

these can be detected in the memory dump files.
I would also monitor the various system voltages and make sure they are within 10% of the required voltages.

you might want to check the mode of your sata controller and make sure it is set to the correct mode.
(just because you have a IDE driver loaded, might be from some old CD player though)
you can change windows from IDE mode to AHCI mode with out reformatting:


Easy tune was the issue

Thanks for the help!