Question Random BSOD with Ryzen 1600


Jan 14, 2019
Hi friends, I apologize for my bad English, I'm Brazilian.
I've set up a new PC and I'm experimenting with several different blue death screens, about 2-3x a day, sometimes more.

I've tried the following;

Memtest 4hours; 4 passes 0 error
Latest bios update
Latest GPU driver
Latest windows update

My components are as follows:

And some of my dumpfiles are as follows, this file was saved by bluescreenviewer:

I save in the registry the command to Windows create new dumpfiles for now.

Thank you all for your help!
Hi friend, a bios is updated in the latest version, 5.50.
With only 1 memory stick the BSOD also occurs, however in lesser quantity.
The two sticks are the same model but were not purchased from the same kit.
I tested the 2 memory sticks in the 2 slots alone in memtest and got no error in 4 hours.
Hi, I was asked to look at your dump files. I ran the dump files through the debugger and got the following information:

File information:021319-9828-01.dmp (Feb 13 2019 - 11:00:25)
Probably caused by:rt640x64.sys (Process: System)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 1 Hour(s), 48 Min(s), and 22 Sec(s)

File information:021319-9625-01.dmp (Feb 12 2019 - 22:14:23)
Probably caused by:Npfs.SYS (Process: chrome.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 2 Hour(s), 43 Min(s), and 02 Sec(s)

File information:021219-9781-01.dmp (Feb 12 2019 - 19:30:50)
Probably caused by:ntkrnlmp.exe (Process: chrome.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 1 Hour(s), 47 Min(s), and 02 Sec(s)

File information:021219-9578-01.dmp (Feb 12 2019 - 17:43:16)
Probably caused by:cdd.dll (Process: chrome.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 1 Hour(s), 53 Min(s), and 42 Sec(s)

The overclocking driver "IOCBios2.sys" was found on your system. This is a part of the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility. Are you overclocking your CPU or GPU?

Possible Motherboard page:
As you said, you already have the latest BIOS 5.5 installed.

I just provide the dump file information. Someone else will post with more information soon. In the meantime, look for an update for this driver:
Oct 03 2017 rt640x64.sys Realtek NICDRV 8169 PCIe GBE Family Controller driver

Please wait for more answers. Good luck.
Hi friend, I am not overclocking my system, actually I am underclocking my memories via xmp profile to 2113 mhz because in the original 2400mhz the system goes into a BSOD loop

I just provide the dump file information. Someone else will post with more information soon. In the meantime, look for an update for this driver:
Oct 03 2017 rt640x64.sys Realtek NICDRV 8169 PCIe GBE Family Controller driver

Updated right now to the version 10.032, thanks!
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I suspect it is the bad quality control of the ryzen motherboards. I had 3 out 6 go to the crappers like that. Random BSOD, hangs, etc. Didn't matter with brand either. After I replaced the motherboard the problems all went away. Surprise surprise.
I ran the 3 new dump files through the debugger and got the following information:

File information:021419-10015-01.dmp (Feb 14 2019 - 10:20:12)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: core.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 0 Hour(s), 00 Min(s), and 13 Sec(s)

File information:021319-9984-01.dmp (Feb 13 2019 - 18:12:09)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: chrome.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 3 Hour(s), 57 Min(s), and 00 Sec(s)

File information:021319-9953-01.dmp (Feb 13 2019 - 20:39:02)
Probably caused by:ntkrnlmp.exe (Process: svchost.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 1 Hour(s), 45 Min(s), and 32 Sec(s)

I can't help you with this. Someone else will post with more information soon. Please wait for more answers. Good luck.
Have you reinstalled windows since this started happening? Perhaps on a different disk drive? With the utter random nature of the bsod and they aren't related to what you're doing. I wonder if it's not a bad install or an old install, or a bad hard drive/ssd
This is why I get 2nd opinions

Why do you have
The overclocking driver "IOCBios2.sys" was found on your system. This is a part of the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility.

on a Ryzen system... thanks Superhos

Always helps to clean install win 10 if you swap the CPU or motherboard - especially if you swap from Intel to AMD - as it will happily sit there trying to use software that doesn't match the hardware, and you will get errors like the ones you getting.

So Download the Media creation tool and use it to make a Installer USB

Copy anything off C you want to save either onto a USB or another hdd - your build doesn't mention storage

clean install win 10
change boot order in BIOS so USB is first, hdd second

boot from installer
follow this guide:
when you reach the screen asking for licence, click "I don't have a key" and win 10 will continue to install and reactivate once finished
Hi, I'm upgrade my setup with the MB, RAMs sticks, processor and VGA, while maintaining the SSD where I install windows and a second HD for storage. Before I used this same SSD in my setup with an intel processor. I reinstalled windows through a USB, deleting the old partitions. I will follow this tutorial to perform a fresh clean install of windows to see if I solve the problem!
I ran the new dump file through the debugger and got the following information:

File information:021519-12109-01.dmp (Feb 15 2019 - 10:35:21)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: MsMpEng.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 0 Hour(s), 04 Min(s), and 43 Sec(s)

I can't help you with this. Someone else will post with more information soon. Please wait for more answers. Good luck.

Edit: The dump file below:

File information:021519-9687-01.dmp (Feb 15 2019 - 16:41:06)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: chrome.exe)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 2 Hour(s), 22 Min(s), and 39 Sec(s)
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Again when returning from sleep.. it occurs a lot of times like this

I am hoping to believe that it is incompatible with MB and memory sticks. If I disable XMP and try to start the PC with the memories running normally at 2400mHz, the computer goes into BSOD looping .. I can only start windows if active the XMP and underclock the memories at 2133mHz .

Is there any way to test MB? As for the memory stick, I tested them both on the two MB slots on memtest86 for 4 hours and got no errors ..

With only 1 memory stick almost no BSOD occurs.
Thank you guys, just downloaded the ASRock APP Shop, uptated the drivers from them and the lastest chipset drivers from (this I've already downloaded before).

I keep watching the system and report on news.