MY COMPUTER SOMETIMES RANDOMLY COMPLETELY LOCKS UP AND I HAVE TO HARD RESET I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE ITS COMING FROM ITS A NEW BUILD AND DIDNT HAPPEN AT FIRST Although i did make a lot of adjustments to the compuitetheirafter both in terms of software and hardware and than this issue occured.
memtest no errors, prime 95 blend test no crashes, and BIOS/drivers fully updated. i dont know if its lionked to this but when i first built the PC and tried installing games i had a lot of missing dll errors and such.
anmy help would be appreciated i really dont want to go and reinstall windows and all my programmes to just find out the problem still exists which im thinking might end up happening.
memtest no errors, prime 95 blend test no crashes, and BIOS/drivers fully updated. i dont know if its lionked to this but when i first built the PC and tried installing games i had a lot of missing dll errors and such.
anmy help would be appreciated i really dont want to go and reinstall windows and all my programmes to just find out the problem still exists which im thinking might end up happening.