Random frame drops and microstuttering in games /w information

Dzenan Aljukic

Aug 13, 2015
So I get framedrops in pretty much every game, from the low requiered ones to the more, like CS GO and RUST.
I move around everything is smooth then I get framedrops which last for approx. 2 seconds, it's literally freezed for 2 seconds.
I have already complained about my pc that is not turning on at the first time I press the button, so suppose that the PSU is causing some kind of problems, at the second monitor i watch the behavior of the pc over hwmonitor. When the framedrop happen the gpu initialization goes to 0% and when it comes back to normal the gpu is about 100% usage. Could it be that the gpu literally lost power that is comming from the psu and cause the stutter and the framedrop, or something else is going on.

I have the AsRock H61M-VG3, connected my 2TB WD EZRX 6GB/s on a 3GB/s motherboard SATA slot.
i5 3470
GTX 670
PSU Is Super-Flower 550W SF-550P14P which I think is enough to cover all of my pc specs.
And I have just noticed that my 2x4GB G-Skill 1600MHz is running on 798.1MHz on cpu-z 😵
If you need any more info let me know