Question Random freezing


Apr 3, 2018
good day, I have an acer aspire e15 e5-576-392h laptop. Now i recently got an m.2 ssd (CT500P1SSD8) installed with a clean install of windows 10 2004, but after doing that my laptop will randomly freeze for 2-10 secs no matter what i'm doing (gaming, browsing, watching movies etc...). I have no idea whats causing this, can anyone help?
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I also have this problem on my Dell 7567. New M.2 SSD sometimes random freeze but you go in to BIOS and set your SATA Operation to AHCI not RAID? Cause for me when I set it to AHC it doesn't work at all and it sents me to Automatic Repair
So i opened Crucial Storage Executive and went to "Momentum Cache" and it said this
"Momentum Cache Inactive - Momentum cache is currently inactive on drive 'mtinvme202829A8A73F'.
  • System is low on virtual memory
  • System has less than 8GB of installed memory

Could this be why i'm freezing?